great times

Isn't this essay about the book though?

Hey guys, I'm thinking of writing an article where I re-explain the joke that this article re-explained about this uninspired flash animation someone actually worked on.

"It's like Die Hard…in a BUILDING!"

Arrg. I thought the last regime change was going to make this site less shitty.

If this article is about the book, why is it in the "film" section?

So I am actually the only person who doesn't do this?

I also played City of Heroes and I miss it, although the way they shuttered the doors will probably keep me from ever playing another MMO.

I didn't realize until recently that this is the Peyton Reed who directed Down with Love, which is a great movie. So maybe a little hope?

So is this what sponsored content looks like?

Then what point is it to reference Letterman? No one thinks that these pranks or games or lipsyncs are great or groundbreaking right now, not even the people who like them. Fallon (etc) does not relate to Letterman at all in the instance, agreed? This is another diversion.

How much Carson have you actually seen? Did you see any of it in context of just documentary clips?

Carson himself may not have been the edgiest comic, but he showcased the likes of Andy Kaufman, Albert Brooks, Steve Martin who weren't socially edgy, were conceptually far from comfort food.

Shit, am I arguing with a bot?

I'm sorry, have YOU been to Europe or met any Europeans?

I have. I even used to live there. And your houses and stones are all made of glass and smeared with duck fat.

"A lot of early Letterman "found comedy" bits could be considered filler, and yet those are considered groundbreaking today."

Europeans acting smugly superior to Americans and their pop culture attachments only makes sense if you have never been to Europe or met a European.

Getting Channing Tatum to lipsync Percy Sledge IS filler. ANYBODY can do it. Is it crowdpleasing? Sure I guess. Just like The Kardashian shows. It isn't elitist to say those shows are mean spirited and lacking in substance. But they are big hits. So What? Now they are sacrosanct?

Hmm, first off, I think we all need to come together and move away from this (and I'm going to blame Tumblr) weird thing where we pick buzz-insults that don't apply, but are intended to hurt or throw off balance another's argument. "Elitist", "entitled", etc, keeps getting thrown around for no supportable reason and

I think this article defends not criticizing hacky bullshit.