great times

Can you only parse the information if it is arranged by Buzzfeed list?

I know. There isn't a good name for it. SJW is all we have at the moment.

The little boy version of me had confusing feelings when I would watch her and Dixie Carter on Designing Women.

I think you are wanting or expecting this to be a series of 1:1 examples. It isn't.

Is that your only problem with what I have said?

It is early days. The Tea Party was just first to the game. Remember when they called themselves "Tea Baggers"?

Actually, to address something I didn't really notice on my first read of your comment, I don't want anyone to conflate the idea of being a "hard-liner" with the intolerance displayed by the Tea Party and SJWs (for lack of a better term).

It isn't about being moderate. I would count myself as, at the very least, half a socialist.

Here's a link. He goes to San Diego State, so he is probably smarter than you.

Here's the thing. We, the creative liberals, are starting to be vocally against "our" version of the Tea Party. Seinfeld is just famous enough to get attention for it.

Everybody gets to bitch about shitty things.

I think the difference is that in the pilot (and other examples of story based brutality) the terrible stuff is sweetened with some real story and character momentum. Say what you will about GRRM, the man knows how to plot.

Private Life is positioned in the Wilder timeline at the right place to be dismissed. This article is pretty good, but this entry doesn't feel on the same level as other titles.

Everyone posturing about either side of this is a complete garbage fuck person.

I was expecting (and would have preferred) the sentence to end as

The Core will always be me stuck in a New Jersey motel with no transportation or vending machines and 7 hours until the continental breakfast.

Oh shit! Rabin!

Wasn't there one which wasn't by the regular guy, which was essentially everything covered in the commentary?

I've heard the rumors, but not for a while.

I miss the days when I was always awake enough to read the info text track.