great times

What makes me side with du Bouchet, and defend his right to say it, is that these lipsyncs and pranks add up to nothing. They ARE worth less than a shitty sketch from a creative standpoint. Why wouldn't a comedy professional look down on them? Why wouldn't a chef look down on Arby's?

"It’s not just that, though, because the line about letting “the popular
kids appropriate the very art form that helped you deal” comes across
extremely elitist, like Fallon doesn’t deserve to make people laugh at all,
no matter how he does it. Meanwhile, du Bouchet is Emperor Of Comedy, and only he gets decide what

Ain't that the truth. Maybe if it was Hannibal Buress?

Oh, AV Club.

Not to mention, Adobe is a terrible company. I will not cry for its demise.

This movie sounds awful, but let's dig a little deeper than masculine = terrible. If I read a review of some romcom that said it was bad for being too feminine, I'd say the same fucking thing.

I don't know what has made me laugh harder than the first three times I saw Jay Johnston giving a baby massage.

I reject a lot of the assumptions and assertions here about why people don't like this movie.

This was a great episode as far as I'm concerned. And while I enjoy these reviews much, much more than the old ones, I think the reviewer is finding criticizing easier than critiquing this week.

Isn't he doing a new scripted show next? Something about a housebound misanthrope?

The film-making is solid. Just…lifeless. Nevermind if and how it ignores the rules of its own universe, Looper is well made and shallow.

It's 2015. We are all sci-fi nerds.

"Famous" ex-lovers, and until recently, they were all more famous than her. It isn't like anyone was buying dishy pop about the intern or the anthropology student.

Seriously? Looper?

You aren't kidding. Lets keep something called "Newswire" just a little above your average message board opinion post.

I don't even get the reference, and my instant unconscious reaction was, "FUCK Matt Lauer".

With the exact same level of reasoning, I assume that everyone who likes Doctor Who doesn't even want to be Facebook friends with you anymore.

Yeah, Girls' idea of New York and its diversity is straight out of Friends and Seinfeld.

Cripes, you are just a troll, or an angry person so silly that you may as well be a troll.

"Don't piss it away…"