great times

I agree with your sentiment, but there has to be room for some middleground response. "Compassionate ambivalence"?

Well, there is no company in the world who is more slavishly devoted to "Formula" than Disney. They used to create them but now they buy them wholesale from actual artists and then grind them into the ground until they become meaningless and unprofitable.


She has one of the most beautiful voices out there, but, boy howdy, I do not enjoy her songs. I would love her to release a couple paired down, lo fi albums of classic folk and cover songs.

For me at least, there is the sense that AoS is always just around the corner to becoming much better. It has already improved since the first season, so it is difficult to not live in hope.

Also, you don't even OWN a tv.

Holy crap, that is some non-article.

And it is a pretty safe bet they will also load this up with commercials.

I probably only was able to catch half the season so far, but this was a really solid little show and it was only getting better. I am disappointed.

Thanks! The show is still terrible though, right?

So the name of the Glee club is supposed to sound like "Nude Erections", right? Has that been the joke the whole time?

Stick Albert Tsai from Trophy Wife in a wig and it is MONEY IN THE BANK!.


While I'm all for calling out articles on their bullshit, I think that the first two alien films are the strongest because they accomplish exactly what they set out to be, something which can't be said about Alien 3.

Quite honestly, I really just want to find someone with strong idealogical differences who is funny and smart and can actually make a case for the conservative viewpoint that isn't contemptible, fearmongering, racist, strawman bullshit.

If this had someone more interesting (and less eye rolling) than Corolla I would probably give it a shot.

This is also how I remember it.

"The signature Triumph zingers are there, and all courtesy of Triumph."

This discussion is cursed as another response has gone poof. I'm going to post every paragraph and edit accordingly.

What this review disappointingly ignores is the exceptional performance by Maureen O’Hara. Honestly, it is entirely down to her ability to go toe to toe with John Wayne that prevents the character from coming off as a battered wife. It is a fine line, but she is what keeps me from feeling gross about those scenes