great times

Careful everybody, this comment is a cunning ploy to make your eyes roll so far back in your head they get stuck there.

This article makes no sense in how it chooses its examples.

Okay, Disqus ate my last response in a crash, so I'm going to ignore your strawman points for the sake of brevity.

Maybe by rubes and fangirl/boys.

JGL (despite being by all accounts super nice) was the very definition of cringe-worthy when he hosted SNL.

But you didn't even make your point.

So don't worry about it. Just relax!

Oh, I don't know, I think you have been showing some of your colors during this conversation.

No, I'm saying don't worry about it. I'm sure you have lots of great qualities.

It's fine, don't worry about it. But there is a difference between wishing ill on someone and not being upset they get an ass kicking.

It's okay if you don't feel bad if I get punched in the face. I totally get it.

I think you misunderstand. I am not a studio executive.

It is not the quality of the films, it is because they are generally bad people. I won't cry for Dick Cheney or David Miscavige either.

I know it doesn't speak well of me, but assaulting studio executives only strikes me as wrong intellectually. It's like child molesters getting shanked in prison. It don't make me sad.

Watching Deadwood will solve your Garret Dillahunt credibility issue. Unless you can't watch Breaking Bad because of Malcolm in the Middle.

I have become pretty convinced that no one reads these things before they are posted. The alternative is too depressing.

Well, if Steve Doocy can be classified a "buffoon" instead of a man, then the good father at the park won't suffer the blowback.

Can we stop calling these people "men" and settle on something like "buffoon" or "idiot", because that is sending the wrong message to everybody.

This, combined with my deeply conservative expectations for anything Besson, left me to only enjoy the pretty/crazy absurdity.

Care to quantify exactly how much better off you believe the state of onscreen feminism would be if we could eradicate the hated Whedon from our history?