great times

I don't know, that sounds disingenuous to me.

I think this is a shitty kind of tactic to take when you disagree with someone. Are you suggesting he is wrong because he is poor?

While I like the idea that you did research, this sure reads like you were looking only to find evidence to discredit this woman. Mormon, Kabbalah, has nothing to do with anything, and it isn't hard to fly to New York from LA and back again. Why do the research if you pepper it with straw men?

You are adorable.

And was that zinger more or less impressive than the last? I'm losing count.

"lol woody allen stans are so sad"

Sure, but two generations of comedians have traded stories about not drinking what Cosby gives you. Hannibal Buress wasn't raped but he sure hasn't been sued for calling Cosby a rapist on stage.

Or that Mia Farrow signed a release to allow all that footage of her to be used in his tribute montage…

I didn't realize how happy I would be to see someone finally not jerk-off-Looper-into-their-face for once.

I have a very good lady friend who happened to find the Watchman film's version of the Comedian very attractive, and would defend his actions and motivations with great gusto. He was only misunderstood after all and too handsome to really mean the rapey bits.

I wish I could upvote this more, and I haven't even gotten to listen to the album yet. I only disagree with the last line. This is the internet, and no shamed online reviewer is capable of anything more than digging in their heels and trying to make some points back by snarking on their twitter feed.

"I've had my fill of female singers for a while. Well, make that singers
in general, but it seems there are a helluva lot of female singers
around these days."

It's a fair cop…

I've given up on internet articles being proof read before they post, but I haven't given up on "comedy" reviewers on "comedy adjacent" websites at least understanding the type of jokes they are reviewing. Put I seem to be getting closer.

For my money, it is a more interesting remix. All of the post Silence movies are messy to bland to shitty.


I never said there was any evidence regarding Cosby, didn't even imply it. It really isn't a comparable situation, beyond fame. But there are lots of probable reasons why Cosby isn't being given much benefit of the doubt. I personally suspect it is because he has been a notoriously litigious bully for decades. He also

Also, if you get interested enough to go down the rabbit hole of what we actually know about Allen's case it becomes a convoluted mess. You walk away basically knowing nothing beyond the fact that the situation ended up terrible and abusive for that poor little girl, with virtually no convincing evidence about who is

Incredible String Band - The First Girl That I Loved

This happens with an awful lot of comedic character actors who get popular enough to open a movie. They aren't allowed to deviate from the formula and tiresome backlash drowns us all.