Brian Thomas

Toni Basil's main gig was dancer/choreographer. Check out those "Beach Party" movies in the Sixties where she's fruggin with those surfers. She's also in Easy Rider dropping acid with Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Karen Black. In the Seventies I remember seeing her on Soul Train as part of "The Lockers", a proto

This pretty much reads as a shadow reboot of the whole Star Trek franchise to make it "more or less" confirm with the Kelvin timeline's interpretation of the Prime Universe… Which makes "Prime Universe" in a technical sense, but a rebooted universe for all practical intents and purposes. This will include TNG, DS9 and

So basically CBS just kicked The Original Series to the Multiverse…..

The problem with Medusa, is that she is as effects heavy as Lockjaw. If this were a movie, even full on CGI hair would be hard to pull off with the constant lighting and color changes. And how would you come up with a wig that didn't look like you just raided RuPaul's closet?

Eh. It's been spoiled in so many places now. Go see it or not.

The only established "continuity" with these movies is Jackman and Stewart's performances. The movies themselves represent aborted timelines, reboots and out of continuity one offs… which Logan pretty much is.

John Carpenter's The Thing has long ago passed from Cult Film to Sacred Object… In all these years never read a negative word about it or its effects…. Until now…. Congratulations Sir….. Now bolt the door behind you and don't come out till next Halloween…

Dr. Who was in the States late sixties / early seventies BTB ( before Tom Baker ) I was exposed to fuzzy images of Jon Pertwee's dandy Doctor (The rabbit ears could barely pick up distant Washington DC signals.) The TV movie stands as a strange one off of what might have been.

You give this an early review, but not Star Trek Beyond?

Does he do "The Tarzan Yell" ? Otherwise, a total Non-Starter.

Don't Drink and use The Transporter.

Maybe this has already come up, but Fun Fact: The Monkees opening act for a time was The Jimi Hendrix Experience.

Bah! I want my starships to get my adrenaline pumping! Give my the throbbing hum of the original Starship Enterprise or the banshee scream of the Jupiter Two!

Welp, my job here is done.

The more children you have, the greater chance they might be gay/Trans/bi. Learn to love.

Shit, I hope you don't. Besides, Disney would explain it in a song, stupid.

Actually surprised this hasn't been filmed. A twist on the "quest" narrative, where the missing princess is yourself.

Hey! I resemble that remark!

This was a rare situation of the cigar chomping American Producer (who was disliked by everyone it seems) being absolutely right. The Demon is just fine for it's time; it wasn't common to depict the Diabolical other than having Vincent Price in a red suit stroking his Van Dyke. The early reveal follows one of

Sorry Nate…. You started to lose me when you seemed to think the Human Torch had speed powers. Your final assessment of time being "kinder" to Trank's botch job is off base. Time will be kinder to Roger Corman's FF….. For being closer to the "goofy" spirit of the original as well as giving us a tolerable Doom. The