Brian Thomas

Well from what I remember, actor John Schuck's character, (forget his name) is either suffering from impotency or erectile dysfunction (same thing?) and fears that he's "become a fag" and wants to commit suicide (hence the probably now banned lyrics to the original MASH theme). Fred Williamson played"Spearchucker

Oh I agree. The series did become more sanctimonious as time went on. I didn't watch the last four years or so. But the show moved consciously away from the misogyny of the original.

Alan Alda reportedly doesn't even like the original. As it stands, the movie may unintentionally reveal the misogyny, homophobia and racism lurking under the sanctimonious facade of the 60s generation.

She's a supporting player in the SciFi Classic "Colossus the Forbin Project". That was in the late sixties. That's all I got.

I think this would make an interesting back to back screening with "The Intruder", Roger Corman's not bad essay on hate…. Also starring a starship captain dropping several N-Bombs in that endearing way of his

There should be no shame in what we do. Or who we do it to. Or how we do it. No shame in our actions or behaviors. Shame is an outdated concept. Feel free to do your Will without apology.

2010: The year the Black President learned not to give a fuck what racists and snowflakes and haters thought about him and got re-elected anyway

I agree mostly. I thought the recreations of the Discovery and HAL's CPU (from what we saw) was pretty good. The effects weren't great, just sturdy. I think Hyams was mostly a Hack in this genre. His movie Outland was a barely disguised High Noon with a lot of Bad Science. He gave us the "exploding bodies in space"

I thought this film was a hack job and I still do. Good points: the special effects are a good callback to the original. A young and smokin Helen Mirren. John Lithgow doing his nervous flier bit from Twilight Zone The Movie. Kier Duella looking ageless and Douglass Rain bringing a tear to the eye as a revived, addled

Yeaaaahhhh…… No

OK you can't sit through a science fiction classic that doesn't have "Pew-Pew" but an eight year old can? So the eight year old is smarter right?

The butt hurt in some of these comments in response to a critic's dissenting opinion. Did I like CinTW? My response would be similar to commenting on JJ Abrams Trek movies (At least the first one). "I thought it was okay and I liked it. The fans? Not so much.