Brian Thomas

Yeah not original NOW….. guess who made the cliche' in the first place? (Hint, no one before Romero) If anything Snyder's BvS appeals to the inner surly teen in all of us.

To each his own, but I don't think a remake should be held up as an example, to "correct" the perceived flaws of the original. I love the new Planet of The Apes movies, while the originals (the first film in particular) still hold up as representatives of their time and place. For the record Snyder's Dawn is one of

To each his own, but I don't think a remake should be held up as an example, to "correct" the perceived flaws of the original. I love the new Planet of The Apes movies, while the originals (the first film in particular) still hold up as representatives of their time and place. For the record Snyder's Dawn is one of

The Original was and Shall Forever Be a Masterpiece, don't give a shit what online edgelords say.

The Original was and Shall Forever Be a Masterpiece, don't give a shit what online edgelords say.

Yeah…. two Wars in which the Commies still made land grabs (We lost the Vietnam war and the Commies won. Go back to eating your soup).

Actually we waited them out until the costs of maintaining their empire bankrupted them…. kinda like what Vladimir Putin is doing to us.

A pity the "Antifa Thug" didn't shatter the glass and crush James Field's skull…. That would've ended things right there. New rule: First one to use "Antifa" or "Cuck" in an argument loses.

For African Americans, Applebees is a night out. A time to eat big and "fancy", kind of like Rustlers Steak House was back in the 70s.

So horny Space Africans…. What could possibly go wrong?

Not really, considering the continuity flapdoodle they resorted to explaining the differences in the first place.

Bah the Voyager excuse! Star Trek always walked back technology when it got too magical…. remember using the transporter to reverse aging? Nannites that gained intelligence? Breaking Warp Ten turned you into a salamander?

Yeah, I see that now….. One of the markers of the Internet Age, is that it's become hard to tell… The modern era is so beyond irony.

Uh… Okay….

"I have a (fill in the blank Minority) friend"…. an anecdotal cliche designed to lose an argument.

The Crazies are basically a first draft of Dawn of The Dead. But yeah, it's rough filmmaking.

It was rated PG13 at the time yes? All of Romero's Night Trilogy was released unrated. So he cut back on the gore.

The humans win…. but with Dark Irony…

3 for 3, quite possibly the best rebooted trilogy thus far. Not so sure they should reboot the original Planet of The Apes.

The capsule in Escape is not a an Apollo capsule. It's actually the shell from the first film made to look burnt and pitted from re-entry. No explanation how the Apes were able to lift off.