John H

Technically a "prepared cheese product" per Kraft's labeling. :-P

Like, every time. As many times as we've somehow failed to unseat him, I'm now hoping diabetes will help out.

I saw one on one of the bike trails in Milwaukee two years ago, but we won't have them for long at this rate. :-/

First Bush 2 and now this covfefe. Still, they'll probably do what we've been doing all along and present history as some kind of consistent, coherent narrative thread instead of the much more interesting and absurdist farce it is.

"Another One Bites the Dust"

You apparently missed 240 years of racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. humor in the good ol' USA.

They might be doing so already, what with that section for God's Plan.

Imaginary gods bless you and your dedication to responsible journalism, A.V. Club.

It seemed like every second fantasy author in the 80's and 90's from the Epic Fantasy Trilogy school was some stripe of Mormon or Seventh day-er or something.


Mine is a public university professor in my department.

Ants! A giant swarm of ants!

That makes WAY more sense - human beings are not adapted to be efficient electrical generators (the machines would be FAR better off with some kind of engineered fuel cell, biological or not), and we don't really generate heat in sufficient concentration for it to be much use - it's generally waste energy. We are,

Neko Atsume, and it didn't go anywhere until everyone who was playing it flipped to Pokemon Go. So I guess the answer is, "Until the next wildly popular phone game drops."

Only if it's a screenshot of the phone's whole screen. Using the in-app camera yields a photo with no UI elements, just a watermark with the username in the lower-right corner.

…Have you met The Internet?

"Many of the Villages of the Week to come have a similar recent
occupation, suggesting a change in the overall strategy of the war in
the last five years, but also taking away from the sense that this war
has been a long and grinding affair. Why is it that so many of the
significant events of this 100-year struggle

How far do you push that? Do they need to invent all new musical scales so as not to infringe on the rights of people who did invent them? Their own novel instruments? Is using an existing language infringement of the rights of the people who invented the various elements of a given grammar? What, exactly, is the

That sentence conforms to normative English grammar rules perfectly. The subordinate clause is comma-separated because it has been moved to the front of the sentence, and the main clause is also grammatical. Oscar is a single individual who is winning you (euphemistic general "you," more formally "one," but then