John H

Mobile access to the internet and the establishment of the Oracle retcon system has helped immensely on this count even for casual players.

Not to mention Unglued and Unhinged. :-P

Yup, though they retconned Ice Age a decade later with Coldsnap. Oh man, now I'm just thinking about what a fun period Mirage/Visions was (I didn't like Weatherlight quite as much). I had lots of fun building around the phasing mechanic to shed damage, bypass upkeeps, and avoid universal effects.

I never understood the hate for Fallen Empires - it had some fantastic deck manipulation and token creature mechanics!

Demonic Pact is an instant-win timer: all you need is three turns and a way to give your opponent control of the card on your third turn (say, Donate).

There's a glorious Mr. Show sketch where they have a special awards ceremony for all the actors who make "brave choices" to portray people with disabilities, thoroughly lambasting the Hollywood practice.

Oh, but the creators had such fun trolling the hell out of the shipping fanbase! Those chibi shorts, oh those chibi shorts…

Zutaang triad is…