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    Oh, I should warn you. DON'T get the HD Collection. Like, never get it. I got it for free and i have buyers remorse. Get the PS2/OG Xbox version or torrent the PC version.

    I'd say yes. But only because SM suffers from a couple problems that hold it back from beating the first game out. But it's still good.

    I'd say start and pick up 1/2. If you want, 4 is ok, but kinda meh. Then if you have a Wii (don't pick the PS2/PSP copy up. Trust me.) Get Shattered Memories. From there get ahold of Downpour. I don't really recommend Homecoming or 0rigins, but they are ok in there own ways. If you have a vita (you poor soul, welcome

    I'm just waiting for F2P on consoles so I can play with my friends who won't spend $5. I still enjoy it. But yeah, Silicon Valley has some odd changes.

    I haven't went yet. But I went to that Popcon thing in may.

    I'm gonna play the "sadness trifecta"
    Silent Hill HD Collection.
    Battlefield 3.
    Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City.
    Kill me now.

    Well, uh… Fuck. I didn't play the game this week. But I'm patching it now.
    Also, we all can agree that they shoulda used this in the bar, right? http://youtu.be/ZZ5LpwO-An4

    This is Sony for god sakes. A company based around making lame [insert thing here] futile, half-assed attempts to appease their [insert target audience here]. What did you expect?

    They look like monsters to you?

    He's not wrong. Snake Eater is fantastic.


    He has. MGSV:GZ was amazing, but short as fuck.

    Dear god, please no.

    House of Pussy, coming soon.

    Hold on, the combat wasn't THAT bad.

    I don't really have any other words.
    I do plan on preordering that White Xbox bundle because I haven't owned a white console since the Dreamcast.

    I don't FEEL good right now. I'm going to watch Under The Dome and try to be pissed at it.

    That would make me watch Under The Dome.

    Yeah, its good, but I've missed it for the last 2 weeks.