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    God, I've yet to watch last weeks Under The Dome. I don't think I've got enough booze to keep going.

    I could have told you that hardwick was going to be a letdown.

    Sweet, Gonna try to slip it into Chuck time then.

    Ok, i never had the chance to finish Chuck, so yeah.

    Has "The Strain" gotten better?
    I haven't watched much this week, other then Chuck on netflix. On Season 3 right now wishing Season 3 was better.

    Season 5 will prove if there truly is money in this Banana Stand.

    Yeah, it takes place around San Francisco. It's teraformed to no end. But I think the bomb will come into play on the show, with it being stopped by the players like the infection in the first season.

    The game got an update adding a new playable space, Silicon Valley. The past two "episode missions" have been based around Karl Von Bach and some bad E.G.O. units. As it turns out, an E.G.O. unit requires a Votan life. I'll write up something later, but this weeks EGO code is Orange. It gives you a Dodge Durango. It's

    His podcast is good, Supercreative (his production studio) is doing ok, and he's still funny.
    I would gladly pay $100 to motorboat her in that costume.

    Dear god man, why!?

    It's not. Thanks NBC.

    EA's thing at least keeps the games that are "free" there forever.

    We ALL KNOW.

    Dear god Hardwick, What happened to you after G4?.
    In other news, Kevin Pereira is still doing good.


    I could just replace every video file on her laptop with things he's been in. The bonus is that she has seen The Hobbit, but didn't remember him.

    I got excited when I saw his name pop up during the opening of Guardian's, prompting the girl I took with/have had crush on for 10+ years to ask who.
    I became floored and sad.

    No Risk = High Reward it seems.

    Most of them know I'm fucking around to get a reaction of out them. The only one who doesn't it a complete asshole to everyone else so eh.

    Trust me, I offend my feminist friends all the time. And everyone else.