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    I didn't know, plus after the last hour of that show I can't ever say it's good again.


    I hope she gets into porn. That way she's at least successful after.


    So am I.


    These are the same people who funded the train wreck known as How I Met Your Mother.

    Sony Pictures? Eww.

    This is the same channel that had how many seasons of HIMYM?

    I'm going to "watch"/torrent this show and assume its from 8 years ago. Mind you I won't be enjoying it.

    Damn, that's a long time since they've done anything.

    Steel-Toed Boots?

    You could really just say "The … Industry is where dreams go to die.".
    Who did you work for?

    I know a guy. But he worked in the most soulless place in gaming. EA.
    Just write something and pitch it to devs or the hookers who work outside the offices of Rockstar.

    Shockingly, Video Games have only got into Numbers Stations in passing. Call of Duty: Black Ops got deep with it and pulled a Fight Club as well, but let's not get into that. Black Ops II doesn't touch on most of the events that brought the stations into play, so just play Black Ops 1.

    I will admit that i laughed at “You’re making a Brokeback Mountain out of a mole hill.”.

    Don't you hate it when BAZZARO A.V. CLUB slips over with there New BMW's for only $6474 and making $97 an hour?

    I plan on watching and crying at the same time. Because this show gets dumber every second.

    And Spiderman 2. That game is the tightest shit.

    Eh. I understand where you come from. But I think it was still interesting at least. And its not the RE films. We don't talk about those.
    Now did you see Silent Hill Revelation? That is a steaming pile of shit so bad that it's laughable.