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    Hey, the first Silent Hill movie wasn't bad. Second one however…..

    You've brought back nightmares of being hyped for Bloodrayne. I will give that monster one plus, The Postal movie held up well to the game PLUS it came with Postal 2.

    As someone who's played Both games, the MOBA beta, and even watched all the trailers, this is still the best thing about that game. http://youtu.be/78bj6ebUVqA
    Also the developer is Techland, not Deep Silver. They did publish it however. Now I'll stop being a nitpicker.

    So is it worth picking up soon? Also Rubicon Season 2 when Netflix?

    I have a used condom that was baked into a pizza.

    I still say that those Chicken McNuggets are just made from Soylent Green.


    I watch Under The Dome because I'm just hoping for something as cool as the cow getting split in half again.

    So it's not even watchable bad like Under The Dome?

    Would it be worth pulling up HBO Go and watching? Or would this not even be worth the bandwidth?

    It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Or my love life. Or my life in general.

    Oh god, please no. No. NO. NOOOOOOOO.

    I forgot all about her pulling that shit. You know she fucked Brett Ratner, right?

    Really? I wouldn't have assumed so after shit like The Slammin Salmon.

    Was that show any good? I refuse to watch it because of Olivia Munn.

    Star Wars would be WAY more relevant in this new world of Votan and Human relations then say, Barbie dolls or G.I. Joes. They don't have Indogene Barbie's…… Yet.