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    God. They didn't add any more Game missions yet? Well at least i got the Defiant Few shit.

    Uh, well fuck. I didn't play the game yet.

    Man Of Steel takes some goodwill away.

    I'm gonna say P.T. even if I can't play it. Because of that Fetus in the sink. Reminds me of my prom night.

    So ANTM isn't spearheading the Blackstreet reunion tour? Shit.

    The epitome of the word butterface.

    Who shot first?
    Tell me Wookieepedia. TELL ME.

    Not even with my dick. And I've fucked some things that make Lucas look attractive.

    Dear god, I hope so.
    Also, fuck Lucas.
    Fuck him like the $2 whore he is.

    I still can't get a confirmation on it, but Silent Hill Downpour: Anne's Story comes out on the 20th.

    Hey, i saw it once for free. Still wanted my cash back.

    He was, but they retconned the fuck out of Uncle Ben's death to fit him into the film.

    Don't. It's almost Spider-man 3 tier at parts. Just don't pay cash for it and maybe Marvel will get the rights to Spiderman back. Then again, This is Sony pictures. We have more of a chance of hell freezing over then we have of them/Avi Arad giving up anything that makes them a red cent.

    I was expecting to see him for more then about 5 minutes as the Rhino.

    I think he should have been cuffed and sent to jail.

    I know someone who fakes out and says they are going to kill themselves. They say it at least 3 times a week. I don't care at this point if they do our not. I feel like an asshole, but what can I do. This has nothing to do with anything.

    Xbox is, but Sony's movies/shows (sans Hannibal) have been in very poor quality for a long time.

    You lucky man.