
Judy fucking Garland?

The first Slowing it Down episode with Paul F. Tompkins is where it really hits it's stride. I actually listened to it on my way to see U2 on Saturday.

Why is this a article here?

Good ep.

Lighten up, Francis.

I heard Adam Carolla say Sarah has a thing about dental health, so they pretty much let her be her.

He's my favorite actor. I've tried to force myself to care about the Scientology stuff. I saw Going Clear. But I came away from that thinking "Hey, Will Smith got away scott free and his filmography is secretly terrible"? I'm open to the fact that I may be a monster for thinking that way. But look at Tom's

The James Adomian Hunter S. Thompson/Walt Whitman episodes are virtuoso. That guy is a savant.

This is the best reason yet to get rid of the one and done.

But one of those protagonists was Trevor!

I feel like IV got away from the driving aspect of GTA. Not only were the car controls super floaty, but there was really no open roads to really have fun with the vehicles. And I feel the shooting go a lot better in 5. Oh, and a superior soundtrack imo.

It's the best open world ever created. I love Red Dead, but current day LA is much harder to do than the old west. Granted, no single player DLC is annoying. But I go back and play that game all the time.

Um, Grand Theft Auto 5 is a masterpiece.

Pete's ex and her new boytoy being so kind to Pete (paying $200 for his journals, giving him all the yard sale money and keeping it a secret until JUST the perfect time) is total BS. NEVER would happen in real life. Just shoved in there for Pete to seem at least partially at fault for having his wife cheat on him


The Nice Guys came out this year!!!!!

I know it's "Been A While" but how did you find that picture?

Tommy Lee Jones stole Leo DiCaprio's Oscar for Gilbert Grape that year.

There was an appalling lack of John Gemberling.

$70 if you're willing to stand the whole time. Prices start at $35 for what I"m assuming are nosebleeds.