
he suffered a Rasputin death. just to be extra sure that he indeed dies.

I suspect she might have only faked not remembering anything since she knew exactly how it will end.

exactly, just like killing the Daleks or Cybermen for good is never gonna happen. as long as DW is airing those forces of evil will always be around and pop up whenever the writers please.

that's when the endless sobbing started.

agreed. the circumstances might have been similar to some degree regarding Clara and Bill's send off (if it was, she could always re-arrange her atoms and come back as human) but if you look a bit more they were different indeed.

but that's really not a problem, is it? they didn't have much time together but they were clearly attracted to each other. now that Bill is the same as Heather they'll have all the time in the universe to get to know each other better.

I often also don't like those overly long, dramatic and supposedly heart-wrenching speeches the capaldi era is/was so fond of but in this episode I didn't mind. they weren't overdone IMO and worked well.

my tear ducts started working uncontrollably around the halfway mark. gotta drink lots of tea to make up for all the lost liquid.

it's strange to think that so much time has passed since this show first aired that a lot of it's actors and actresses have since departed.

the youngest and oldest doctor both on the verge of regeneration should be interesting. won't 12 remember when he was 1 about what his older self told him? or was this such a long, long time ago that he doesn't even remember? can't wait until christmas.

since DW can not possibly be replaced just do what I do; make a pot of delicious tea, prepare some snacks and watch DW over and over again as many times as you want to.

while I agree I think we all know this won't be the end of master/missy. just like other baddies s/he's such an integral part of DW they won't let her/his story end for good.

I really enjoyed this episode!

probably but I still wonder what it was supposed to mean. or perhaps it was just gibberish since they suffered brain damage?

that's also true.
but to be honest I'm a bit exasperated how often the doctor's regeneration was teased. the fandom is well aware that capaldi will leave so there's no need for all this blunt foreshadowing. instead of enjoying the show I sometimes get the impression we're only supposed to hang on until the doctor does

I simply hope bill will be back come next season and if she won't then I at least hope she'll have a nice ending (her becoming a professor where the doctor was previously employed i.E) and NOT this cyberman downer end at all.

the costume, especially the ski mask, was indeed stupid but it didn't lose it's punch since I assume her head was opened with a saw so this cap and those handlebars (???) could be inserted in her ears. and all this probably happened without anesthetics. poor bill, I really hope some timey whimey will take place so

I heard "tie me" as well but that really doesn't make sense. perhaps it was supposed to be "I am me" or "I'm me" as they clung to the last vestige of their own personality and sense of self?

it could be but since pearl mackie and peter capaldi make such a good combination I don't want them separated. and naturally I don't want bill to die this horrible, horrible death.

but she's not completely made of steel, she's a proto-cyberman with her mostly flesh and blood body so she should age normally. if her being a cyberman can't be reversed it'd probably be kinder to free her from this misery and kill her.