
more Bill/Pearl instead of the increasingly tedious Clara would have been a blast. but I suppose we should be glad we got such a good companion in Bill in the first place.

she could perhaps come back like Rose did, to guide and help the Doctor in times of need. I wouldn't put it past her to keep a fond eye on the Doctor from now on.

I simply don't favor romance sub-plots in series where romance is not the main point. be it action, adventure, drama or what you have if they include such sub-plot just for the "shippers" it always leaves me wanting. but oh well, I really don't think that's something I have to worry about with the next doctor.

good enough of an explanation for me XD

I also think it has to do with simply being reduced to "gay". if your sexual preference is all that anyone remembers you for as an actor it'd also upset me.

this gives me high hopes for the next generation!

the producers and all the staff at BBC aren't stupid, if they thought the "risk" of casting a female lead for DW was too big they wouldn't have dared. but they still cast this excellent actress because they also thought the world and audience is finally ready to leave behind their sexism and continue to enjoy the

considering that Time Lords really don't care about minor things such as gender or sexual preferences who are we audiences to judge?

I was hoping for "moriarty" andrew scott. a slightly evil, perhaps master-influenced, take on the doctor.

as I've seen the whole season three already I must say I really loved it overall but I also somewhat lost interest in the "old" cast from season one. or at least some small cameos would have been enough, a way to show us viewer what became of them but not to involve them that much in this unrelated and new case. I

there IS no season two. there is season one and an oddly named season three. that is all you need to know.

while I really enjoyed whittaker in Broadchurch (to be fair I enjoyed pretty much all actresses and actors there) I must say I'll have to get used to a female doctor. oh well, s/he's an alien with little regard to gender so we shouldn't bother much either.

ah well, you know how the internet works. anonymity gives the ppl courage to be far bolder than they'd ever dare to be IRL and let out all their negative and often exaggerated feelings.
still, as far as DW is concerned it seems the overwhelming positive sentiments towards this show far outweigh the negative ones.

oh please every relationship has a starting point. perhaps it was just the cute smile a boy gave you in a bar, the kind eyes you noticed on tinder or something small like this.
just because they weren't deeply in love before doesn't mean it can't happen.

if you never warmed up to ten/tennant then so be it, different opinions and all, but writing it like tennant had anything to do with eccleston leaving is just a tad much.

*whispers*but wasn't everything in the day of the doctor a pretty bold retcon anyway?*whispers*

of course I did, even the Grimm ones where a lot of ppl die. but even so, I simply wonder if DW is engaging for the younger audiences since I do think most themes and plot lines are more directed towards adults.
but if children do indeed enjoy it then all the better.

whoa, it's already been 12 years? time sure flies, even without a TARDIS.

if the next showrunner wants her back it could be easily done since Heather said she could re-arrange her atoms and make her human again. so her fate is not 100% set in stone yet.

you do know that the actor david tennant had absolutely nothing to do with eccleston leaving DW? eccleston never wanted to do more than one season and was always going to leave. bringing in tennant, or any other actor or actress for that matter, for the next incarnation had no bearing on his decision.