
this episode's saving grace was clearly bill/pearl and to a slightly lesser degree the doctor/capaldi's acting.
if the same scenes had been played by different actors the result probably wouldn't have been nearly the same.

the best part of the 10th's run was clearly david tennant. if not for him a lot of fans - myself included - would be far less eager to accept some of his weaker episodes. and unfortunately there were some really weak ones during his run.

this was stupid indeed. to this day I still think "how would a bunch of ppl believe in the doctor actually physically change him and even make him float"? that was a deus ex machina if I ever saw one.

good point. if the doctor explained to her beforehand that time lords have a thing called "regeneration" ongoing where when they die they don't die for real, they just change then I'm sure bill would have made another decision. if she had known if wasn't the doctor's end at all she wouldn't have risked everything.

it's fine, we're all crying in a cool way XD

such a long review and no mention of "1984" seriously? I mean c'mon, the editing of history, making ppl believe it was always so bad, they even have a memory police and naturally all those coverall uniforms? clearly someone's been re-reading 1984 and thought "now that's an idea!".

speed force time is different than our time so it could be that barry spends a very long time there when only a couple of months pass in central city.

I just wonder how the speed force prison will affect season 4 barry.
will he be all wise, grown-up, enlightened and really fun and effective or will he instead turn dark and murder-y in a oliver "five years in hell" way? it could really go both ways.

I would actually love for Iris to become a cop. that's what she always wanted anyway but her father forbade it.
and any number of months or years can pass in-universe between season so should she already be an accomplished detective by the time the show returns in fall so be it.

I actually halfheartedly expected Jay to knock Barry out cold and take his place so Barry couldn't object.

excellent points, couldn't have said it better.
especially the HR dying part was annoying. so he didn't die on the spot - somehow - but the team didn't bring him to a hospital? later on barry delivered all those wedding invitations to dozens or even hundreds of ppl all around the city in like 2 seconds but he couldn't

now if only the CW could blow up all those horrible, horrible emo wigs.

there are a lot of characters in "Arrow" so the flashbacks could be about any of them. possibly about new team additions and if laurel's evil doppelgänger really joins up with the good guys (ugh) then naturally she'll have to go through an agonizingly slow redemption arc featuring heaps of freudian excuses in form of

this could actually have happened in the crazily coincidental world of comic book lore. how about goth felicity and playboy oliver both attending the same big costume party for some reason or another? and because both wore costumes+masks they couldn't recognize one another years later. I mean it'd be possible if a bit

does anyone even marginally entertain the possibility of Felicity and co. dying?
the question isn't whether or not they survived but simply "how". now there are a lot of possibilities, them simply deactivating some of the bombs close to the clearing and taking shelter in the plane. seeking refuge in the basement of

what about wally or the reformed killer frost/caitlyn?

that sounds like a great theory! in the farewell scene between HR and cisco it was VERY strongly suggested something was up so I thought that somehow somewhere somewhen HR would probably die for iris and the team but I didn't know how. so it might just be what you've described and he switched places with iris. only

so iris finally died in a scene we have only seen like 25 times before *sigh*.
at this point I'm so numb to it I don't even care. even though they tried to make it really heart wrenching and have her record a sweet message to barry. whatever.

I wouldn't call that making sense and more of weak story telling and even weaker characterization. malcom was a much more nuanced character in season one.
likewise I don't see why the black canary must stay around in the first place. when all those metas invaded a while ago most returned, were killed or were otherwise

ah, while that is very bad news for me at least I'm warned. gotta get enough booze ready come season six then.