
ah….that. well I imagined her wearing the stunning red dress through the whole episode and ignored the rest.

season one barry was great and fun, though. as always the writers are wasting a perfectly good grant gusting!

wise move.

gotta agree with that. he'll even more likely die for oliver's sake or the sake of his friends/loved ones since "death equals redemption" and all that jazz.

shhh, don't give the writers any ideas!

and then get paid for doing so? from whom? I mean those torches and black costumes don't pay for themselves.

I'm not that big into spoilers but will they for sure? ra's al ghul and deadshot are fine, slade wilson would be great but laurel - no thanks.
(please, just kill her and all her characters off for good)

René is a man of many mysteries.

"and it only makes sense to bring everyone back to Lian Yu for what could conceivably be the final time." does it? does it really?

you've got a point there. but then the doctor lies, doesn't he? and it seems he's especially good at lying to himself.

you're right and I'm aware of that yet his nagging still irritates me. oh well, let's just hope the vault plot will move forward soon.

"fear her" was disappointing indeed but for me "love and monsters" takes the stupidity cake. I always really liked the combination of ten and rose but in their short run together they had so many weak episodes, it's just sad.

unless it can't because it's a fixed point in time for some extra drama.

so I was the only one who thought of cybermen instead? ok.
IMO they were more mechanical then organic/human so instead of zombies I thought robots.

after all this time I still think the christmas special I enjoyed most is "the christmas invasion" it wasn't just some add-on fun, filler thing but an important episode. if you were to follow DW but didn't catch this special you'd be quite surprised come next season.

I liked "the pilot" most, the doctors re-introductions and bill's journey to become a companion were very well executed. I thought "smile" was a bit weak, especially the conclusion - just live outside and build a wooden house or something instead of staying in this murder mansion - , "thin ice"'s high point was bill's

oh that one was really stupid. just kill the damn moon of it turns out to be an egg of a big and probably lethal space alien. the way clara tried to be even more marry-sue-ish, taking the moral high ground and all was just so damn annoying. not like millions of completely innocent animals die year after year in the

I'm not that much of a fan of two-parters so I'm glad they made one fine episode instead.

"s/he is not like me so s/he must be inferior and I can hate her/him" ah ppl, so petty at times.

I can absolutely see how earth's racism against all kinds of skin colors, religious beliefs etc. wold be directed towards aliens one contact is made. if faced with an even bigger outside "enemy" ppl tend to forget small disagreements and stick together. a united target for racism, so to say.