
I quite disagree, I'd pick bill over nardole anytime of the day. but the series is still young so what do you know, perhaps both will prevail and help the newly regenerated doctor to adapt and find himself anew? one can only hope.

to be fair I'm just fine with it not being overly political, or not political at all, because politics really are not the reason why I watch and enjoy DW.

while I like that nardole is male, not a hanger-on male at that, and clearly not interested in the doctor romantically I think he's getting a bit annoying with all his nagging. the vault might be important but the doctor is the doctor and exploring space is what he does, it's in his blood and very DNA so trying to

while this episode was certainly not bad it just felt kinda "meh" to me. all those episodes where that doctor + companion/s are trapped in a space station, separated from the TARDIS, run a lot and have to fight off someone/something are somewhat similar. if not in plot then in set design with all those dimly lit

"false belief" really? oh geeze, I did actually watch like 1 1/2 episodes when it came out, I was not impressed and didn't return to it - happy now? that's all there is to it but I feel sad that I have to defend my choices and tastes online in a pointless comment.

since Prometheus turned out to be Chase I suppose pretty much anyone could be Vigilante. the writers have a free pass.

I'd be really silly if we had such an episode but nothing came of it. naturally it's possible since Arrow had inconsistent moments before but still.

I feel like I'm being chided which is silly since I simply don't favor a show you seem to like very much. can't I simply have my own opinion?

I actually have never watched lost (not my cup of tea) but wasn't it all a dream anyway? or something other stupid?

then why did he agree in the first place? and even if he started before he murdered those ppl and got hit with acute conscience syndrome - why not own up to your bad deeds and go to the police? if he really felt that bad about it, was a changed man etc. there'd have been plenty of more promising ways to stop what was

I actually meant that Oliver is a killer, murderer and a bit of a sadist (remember, skinning ppl for fun) himself so calling out his father is hypocritical.
but your points are valid as well.

just watch the musical cross-over with supergirl "Duet". it clearly is the best episode of season three flash and even though there's still a bit more to come I'm confident this won't change.

this is random but "Chasemetheus" sounds like a pokemon XD

thanks for pointing this out, this always annoys me so much! he can move so fast the world appears to be standing still to him (as seen in the new episode once more) but punches, projectile weapons and the ilk still are able to hit him? he should easily be able to dodge it and equally easily he should be able to

because he " I have to get faster" enough times that it came true.

dumb luck or mere coincidence. we all remember those annoying moments when the heroes are in casual conversation and one word or phrase triggers and epiphany and suddenly they just know how to fight the baddie.

I thought about jay/flash as well. could be since both are CW shows and both teams make stupid decisions often.

even if they don't resolve the identity of vigilante (of course s/he'll have a personal vendetta against oliver) it'd be nice to know where exactly s/he is and what s/he's been up to. vigilante just suddenly left without notice - did s/he do an extended wine trail or something?

I think after the very explicit episode last week it'd be foolish to completely dismiss or ignore the romantic elements between Oliver and Felicity. the last episode very clearly indicated they'll likely get together again at some time but this time they'll do it properly without lies but trust instead.

I think that's also the problem with The Flash - they weren't contend being fun and geeky but just had to become unbearably dark and sulky *sigh*.