exactly! just have her being away, like a dimension or two away, when it happens.
exactly! just have her being away, like a dimension or two away, when it happens.
she might be doing naughty and illegal stuff but that doesn't mean she can't look fabulous while doing it!
do you think that's because the writers haven't decided on his/her identity and role or just because like that they don't actually have to pay an actor? (or at least only a pittance)
well to be fair she's an actress in a popular show so of course she works out, diets and all that stuff. there really is no way around it in hollywood.
don't forget the heavy black eye shadow either!
she was working fine as being employed in oliver's administration. while he was off doing arrow things she was holding down the fort, so to say. I mean he's doing a bad job as a mayor so her becoming the shadow mayor would have been a welcome turn and given her a part beyond her superhero costume.
I think the only aspect I don't like about dinah is her very convenient sound/screeming powers. it's too much of a coincidence so instead of making her a meta human with just the absolutely perfect powers they should have given her the same tech device that laurel used to make those sound waves.
that might be a small…
yep, brother, sister, father, former lover - no matter who it turns out to be s/he'll have had a history with felicity for sure.
well well well, I sure am late with my comments. I could say I was busy and didn't have time to watch this episode yet but that'd be a lie. truth to be told; after the break I simply forgot arrow was actually back. this also shows that I wasn't that eager for it to return anyway.
time to re-watch the musical crossover with Supergirl!
because of DRAMA!!! after seeing iris die so many times it has completely lost it's shock value and every episode is just barry being depressed and going all "I will save you". sigh.
and why don't they just stash iris away with kara in another universe? would be much saver there.
didn't they do that at the beginning of the second and third season briefly, though?
I'm going with the "branches in time" time travel approach here. so whatever 2017 barry does this broken future still very much exists as it's just one of the endless possibilities.
to be honest I don't even care anymore, just get this plot line over with. heck, I don't even really care whether or not Iris is killed. I just don't like how they try to play this whole season as drama with this one thing to do; save Iris.
where's funny, geeky and really entertaining season one flash, where?!
what's with CW and horrible, horrible wigs? now that Oliver has mostly gotten rid of it future flash catches it? don't like it.
you're right but then I loved The Lodger since it had Craig/James Corden in it. he could have made a respectable companion on his own. ah if only…..
I'm still sad about Donna's fate, she had the crappiest ending of all recent companions, not even remembering her extraordinary travels. Catherine Tate also really went well together with David Tennant so it's all the more sad we only got one series of them together.
perhaps she wasn't lonely but had a happy and fulfilling life? they could have gone the rose/titanic route and show a ton of pics of her living her life to the fullest and having a great time until she's old and meets the doctor again.
wasn't this episodes time set way before the ood? so it could be the other way around; because robots became sentient (nobody ever watched terminator, huh?) and murder-y they instead changed tactics and went for the alien race known as ood to be the new slaves.
I also thought that was OOC of the doctor but didn't this whole hybrid plot point also play into this? something something both doctor and clara combined are the hybrid? it was confusing and pointless so I obviously already forgot the finer points.