
it would be very interesting to get an outsider's perspective on DW and the new series. I think the DW fandom is very enthusiastic about DW and at times a bit obsessive so if it was possible to perhaps have one or two episodes reviewed, co-reviewed or only put in some thoughts by someone otherwise unfamiliar with the

that's something which always annoys me in any form of entertainment; there's more than just romantic love out there. ppl can love others like a sibling, like a parent, like a sworn battle buddie etc. The Doctor and Bill can love each other without romantic subplot, without "falling in love" per se and it's not in any

better to save money for some big scale computer animations later on, no?

but the future and past are so important in DW, aren't they? but jokes aside, ppl simply like to speculate and a new main lead is a very big issue so there. however, I do also see your point and it's not like discussing for and back will have any sway in the decision making process of the BBC. thus the best strategy

what I liked is how Bill became the Doctors companion, he didn't just randomly bump into her and equally randomly asked her to travel with her. No, the Doctor was Bill's teacher and later private tutor for weeks or more likely months before the big adventure started. They both had ample time to get to know each other

you must mean "Heaven Sent", and while it seems like blasphemy I didn't enjoy this or the following "Hell Bent" much. I know critics and fans alike showered both episodes with praise but I simply didn't like them. Of course this wasn't based on Capaldi's acting since it was outstanding but the writing was way to

I can only partially agree to this. Of course it's always great to have smart ppl with common sense around - Martha, Donna and now Bill excel at this - but it's also good to acknowledge just how much the Doctor knows, what he experiences, what he sacrificed and what he is able to do. Especially Clara seemed to almost

I loved this episode, I loved Bill (Pear Mackie) and naturally the Doctor. Of course I'm in a very kind mood because "DW is back everyon!! whoo-hooo!!". But either way, after the drag that was Amy and her kid River Song (I even hated the pic of the later) and the never ending drama about Clara I was looking forward to

I'm all for Jack Bauer showing up - even though it wouldn't make the slightest sense. but then Jack Bauer!

my the review this week was way too nitpicky! this is a series for entertainment values with Jack Bauer as president, of course it's not perfectly realistic. I enjoyed this episode and it would be good if the american ppl were actually lead by someone competent so that's enough for me.
if I want real world and real

a shell company?

thanks for the clarification! I didn't know how it works so I was wondering.

come to think of it, when are the next elections? he wasn't elected into office but does he still serve the normal 4 years or are there special elections after everything has calmed down to vote fro a "proper" president? I have no idea how this would work IRL.

that was so very stupid. watching CSI for a long while has made me somewhat numb to the whole unrealistic science mumbo-jumbo but fingerprints taken from a badly lit cell phone photo? no way that would even remotely work. a truly eye rolling moment.

that might be true but do you really think the recently shoot president would be allowed to go off stage and hug some random stranger? she could easily have shoved a knife in this ribs so there's no way the SS would allow that.

I really liked that almost nothing bad happened - for once. I mean sutherland/kirkman had to endure so many low blows and literally almost died so it's good when finally something is working. though I think the press and public at large is too nice minded and thus too unrealistic (even though it absolutely is this

what a missed opportunity!

to be fair his good boy hairdo in season one was horrible! he got a lot better with his current hairstyle and slightly unshaven look.

in this case the actress shouldn't be the one to blame. if diana really was controlled by the zerstörer the easiest way to showcase this would be to have her eyes glow green like his. a dead giveaway and easy to do. or have the zerstörer say "she's mine now" or any such thing.

Monroe Wolf?