
same. I simply think diana calls both of them dad because even if renard should disappear or die I doubt diana, his daughter, would suddenly talk differently about him.

and the body to match the face! no seriously, david giuntoli is one handsome man!

when aunt marie and kelly first appeared I thought they were only illusions inside nick's head so I was VERY surprised their attacks actually made physical damage. they did stab and hack zerstörer so then I was surprised again trubel didn't see them but diana knew about it. weird half-ghost thingies!

same! they clearly wanted their last view before death be the faces of each other so nick shouldn't have taken this away from them. monroe and rosalee are one of the best ever TV couples.

timey whimey?

the moment adalind and the very pregnant rosalee were killed I just knew they'd somehow be brought back. no way they'd die for real but I must say the way it was done didn't impress me. I assumed nick would use the staff of destiny to bring them back like zerstörer previously did and that his new crusade would involve

and I felt it was a simple way to show us how overbearing he was. and who the heck orders wagyu sliders? of course not kirkman because he has more important things to do than thinking about fancy food.

really? or is it sarcasm? it's hard to tell online sometimes. I really thought he's suspicious all the way. he clearly is worming his way deep into the heart of the current government. and even if kirkman is dearly in need of staff (what with almost everyone being dead and so on) I think he handed him the SoS position

it didn't go over my head either but I also thought "he's the friggin' president of the united states. what more must he do to impress her?!".

it's also possible they thought an inexperienced and incompetent president could simply be left to his/her own devices so they'd be free to do whatever they want to do (which is….???). but then Jack Bauer became president and learned fast on the job so he became an obstacle and had to be removed. it's possible they

I thought it was a set-up to some more family drama with her falling down and hurting herself. depending on the mood of the episode this will happen it can go from a simple and pretty harmless bone fracture to something as a severe head injury.

perhaps they'd be able to block official channels but wouldn't other drivers and passer-bys notice? when the car fell into the river it was daytime but then in the later shot it was already night so some time must have passed. I find it really hard that nobody at all called an ambulance, the local police or even tried

it's been a while so I didn't notice but good catch! so moss is only getting more suspicious.

am I the only one who doesn't trust the former president one bit? if it turns out he was involved in the conspiracy I wouldn't be surprised at all. be it voluntary or being blackmailed but he seems suspicious.

given how extraordinary this situation is with almost all officials dead I do think IRL former presidents or other members of the cabinet etc. would decide to go back and help. at least until all positions could be properly filled.

or blown out knee caps!
but anyway, the Jack Bauer is deeply hidden inside Kirkman's nice and decent exterior but it's still there. it's only a matter of time until he appears and I can not wait for it to happen.

Designated Survivor or how you simply do NOT mess with president Jack Bauer.

"bow ties are cool"

this episode was really disappointing! I'd say a "D-" at most.
so after the refreshingly geeky musical cross over we're back to barry being all mopey, this whole "let's save iris" shtick and add in some random killer frost drama which'll probably be resolved by some cheesy line about remembering who she really is and

I don't know, of course if they have different shifts and irregular schedules (as a cop naturally has) it's bound to happen that he still needs to work whereas she already finished hers. but still, she was always at home so at first I thought she was unemployed or a (unmarried) housewife. of course it was probably