
I'm not familiar with "mission control" so what is it all about? but I'm glad the actor was able to find work outside "grimm". I mean there are a lot of TV stars who just kinda fade away once their part or series has ended.

I think chances are good we'll get a "one year later" type of epilogue. many show employ this technique to let us viewers know how it all turned out. they probably wouldn't deprave us of the delightful image of a tired and worn out but extremely happy monroe and rosalee caring for their three children. and I also

we also know nothing about nick's father, juliette's parents and many others. the show didn't expand much on family relations in general if it wasn't strictly necessary for the current plot so I wouldn't say that's absolutely significant. but with only one more episode to go we won't have to speculate for long.

it all depends how it'd be done but if there's a spin-off it should be trubel's own show and not just a re-heated and weaker grimm.

does the zerstörer even know nick has the stick or even knows about it, though? he also offed those harmless hobos/drunkards so it's save to say he kills pretty much anyone in his way with no great plan behind it.

well they simply didn't have time but if the writers never had any intention to actively bring black claw back and have a clash with nick's crew they could have rather easily have thrown in a line here and there about trubel fighting them off screen. like nick receiving mails and text message updates: "trubel just

the flashbacks were really unnecessary so I simply assume they needed the padding while saving funds for big special effects a/o scenery.

didn't we see the grimm family trees in this old book a while ago? trubel wasn't listed in nick's family tree so while they are related - as all grimms seem to be - that's probably a centuries old connection from more than just a couple of generations ago.

he looked way too much like a perfect son-in-law wannabe. it was just odd. and I also wouldn't want to go back to juliette being always around as his girlfriend who spent an amazing amount of time at home for someone supposedly working full time as a vet.

while I like the character of trubel and the actress jacqueline toboni I'm unsure whether or not I would sit through a full length season. perhaps a mini-series first to see how it's going or if it'd be the exact same as grimm but just with a gender swapped MC.

I rather enjoyed this episode overall and I like where this is leading. I was especially rooting for nick's "I love you" to adalind, it was really time he came around to it. of course this is a pairing who got off to a very rocky start but ever since adalind confessed her love to nick and they became romatically

betcha he it was something like him having a criminal father or mother and not wanting to be associated with them. there's just no way he's up to no good like that.

same. it was just too cartoony and not like a real breathing flesh and blood person. the review called out seth's out of nowhere friends but this reporter was fare more unrealistic a character.

especially since so many horrible things already did happen and they didn't even shy away from murdering a child. so everything's possible.

funny you should say so because I thought exactly the same in a "it's going to explode, isn't it?" way. but you never know, it could still happen!
but does that mean not only the child actors are out of the pic but alex as well? I liked her character and I really think kirman needs the trust and support his wife gives

so clearly seth has become my favorite character on this show, even a tad bit before tom (I'm jack bauer) kirkman. while this scenes with his friends showing up out of nowhere really felt badly scripted, as the review pointed out, it was nice to see how seth truly is on kirkman's side and not just because he happens

but wouldn't the better solution simply be for both barry and kara to be single and be happy about it? just like IRL you won't die of unhappiness if you're not in any kind of romantic relationship. just don't have the network constantly point out how they're single and everything'd be cheery.

I really don't see this as something negative, though. just because they're a boy and a girl who get along very well does not mean there must be romance. it's refreshing how they interact just as buddies without stupid romance sub-plot. on the contrary, I find it stupid whenever a romance is forced between characters

I will say "dorky and light" is exactly what the flash/barry allen needs to become again, it was the reason I feel in love with this show and character in the first place.
I sure hope all the good feelings won't be gone come next week.

and yet I was almost expecting an Oliver cameo, him in his full green arrow garb just passing through the dancing and singing crowd, looking directly into the camera "I don't sing" and walking away to never be seen again~♫