
I have an unproven theory that either "flash" or "arrow" can be great and engaging but not both at the same time. there's only so much tv mojo to go around!

this really shouldn't become "the arrow" so nah, let her live happily and sappily ever after.
as for caitlyn, I do think they will do something more with this character given the whole killer frost thing and also her blooming romance with julian. (and we all know her romantic partners don't end up well)

well said, well said! we really don't need "flash" trying to be "arrow".

I enjoyed this episode way more than I ever thought possible! when it was first announced and then given recent flash episodes I thought it will be strange and too out of place but I was really wrong! it was a delight to see barry and kara sing and dance and simply having a good time (the actors sure did as well).

"tic, toc, tic"

I actually did see him in house but he didn't have time to really flex his acting muscles before he suddenly left the show. it's also been a while so I simply can't recall all specifics from his time then.
but it's all fine, I really enjoy his character in this show now.

nah, let's forego typecasting. nothing his character has done so far implies sinister motives. just like kirkman he's an upstanding character. or at least that's my impression, it is the kind of show were suddenly someone unexpected could be revealed to be the baddie but to implicate the character just because the

no idea but lady macleish killed her husband when he could compromise the plan and didn't hesitate to take her own life. I doubt at any point the children were on her mind. and what do you know perhaps both of them actually liked children? as said no idea but they did play the perfect little couple and VP candidate

"President Jack Bauer" would increase the ratings by about 400% XD
but jokes aside, since his daughter is played by a young actress I assumed we won't see her again. having kirkman or his wife talk to her on the phone or similar but without actually showing the actress. but now that the whole "who's your daddy?" plot

yep, it's probably easier to work with a slightly older child so I really see no problem there. especially since her part has been very small so far.

but kirkman didn't seek out the presidency, not at all. he was probably the one who thought he was the most unfitting person for this position after the explosion. but now he's doing it because there really is anyone more fitting around (they're also all dead) and with this ongoing conspiracy he has to protect his

seeing parents react to a dead child is always so heart wrenching and it was done very well this week. that poor boy.

I think the most "meh" motivation would be if this all was just to get rid of the corrupt government and replace the president with someone decent (macleish and lady macleish???!). but now that kirkman proved he's capable and a truly good person the goal is achieved anyway. yep, that's really lame.

….the most evil force of all Trumpists.

I was first thinking "what the hell are you talking about? tom and alex really love each other!" until I realized you were talking about beth. yeah, slow me!
but yup, that marriage was probably more of a font to look the part of perfect presidential candidate. she always seemed more ruthless and cold hearted than her

kiefer sutherland played jack bauer for such a long time and it's also an iconic character/role so it's hard to not see him as such. it took me also years to not see leonardo di caprio as "the pretty boy from titanic".

I agree as well. it's highly unlikely they'd divulge the truth in those already troublesome times and just days after the president himself was almost killed. I could see them saying the same ppl responsible for shooting kirkman were behind it. "mr. and mrs. macleish were paying their respects to fallen friends and

more seth is always a win! I also applaud the actor, never knew he could be this good.

I also considered this but that'd be a huge plow since kirkman relies on him so much. but then the group of important characters surrounding kirkman is rather small and someone must be a traitor, probably.

I think the plan was always the same, no matter who the designated survivor ended up being. making macleish the new president after the president was murdered and the heroic macleish could take over. if there really was someone else supposed to take this part then I'm sure kirkman would have been in an "accident" on