
"But wait, there is more!"

you just wait until they build a wall around it!

*hears TARDIS noise in the far distance*

that was a really disappointing ending to all the zoom build up. I really hope savitar will fare better.

unfortunately I still haven't really warmed up to wally. I can't exactly pinpoint the reason why but I'd most likely stop watching if grant gustin were indeed to be permanently replaced. of course this is very unlikely to happen.

finally someone mentions this! I really love the intro (it was the reason I started following this series) but he was very rarely the fastest man alive. first there was reverse-flash and then zoom now savitar and even wally sticks around and seems on a course to surpass barry. heck there was even an inconsequential

when he went to oliver for advice after he just got his powers?

to be fair most ppl also put unrealistic expectations upon barry. he's supposed to be a beacon of hope, never to kill anyone, always inspiring etc. now barry really is a good guy but everyone expects him to be a messiah and to constantly live with that must be very suffocating.

so savitar is far-future flash who was thrown into the speedforce but near-future flash and current flash has to defeat him now?!

so that's what happened! you could also see and actual head underneath this pointy mask in some angles so there really were some differences.

he still has nothing on reverse-flash/thawne, though.

what I've always wondered ever since barry witnesses iris being killed in the future; why can't she simply temporary leave central city until savitar is gone? just let her leave on a one year internship at an european newspaper or similar or even have her travel the world for a bit so she is not anywhere near central

oh absolutely! I just wonder if this rather happy-go-lucky approach to the flash will allow such a path. we shall see!
but even so, I hope next season's main baddie won't be a speedster again.

oh it's fine, they can all be winners because the more attractive characters the better for us audience. so I guess the true winners are the viewers!

and here I thought it was "Expeliarmus" ~ ♫
but joking aside, there were a lot of very decent characters in the HP universe so heart wasn't unique to harry. but that matters not here, I loved and still love HP but the trope "the power of heart" really is overused when it comes to supporting female characters. so I'm

since oliver hooks up with every semi-attractive woman in his surrounding it's only a question of time until they come together.

I much prefer felicity going down a dark path with helix rather than the forced laurel alcohol problem.

they elected him despite oliver being best known to be an idiotic skirt chaser who got kicked out of private schools multiple times and at the time of his presumed death was having an affair with the sister of his longtime girlfriend. I mean what exactly did they even expect?!

all the more reason felicity probably thought "screw it" and ran straight into helix's shady arms. it's HP all over again with the power of heart and all that sappy nonsense.

felicity must have known since it was her who planted the fake evidence for plagiarism on susan's computer. if you place such files you must know what's going on.