
nay, his superpower is being the black side-kick and not dying.

that would be really cool! I mean with his great regeneration abilities does that mean barry's immortal? or at least he has a very long life ahead of him? what if savitar is him in a couple centuries, from a time where everyone he ever held dear has died long ago and he's alone and become bitter and disappointed with

and yet does it really matter whether chase is prometheus or vigilante? they're both baddies we know almost nothing about so it won't change much at all.

when Oliver was picking up the phone to call a friend I was so hoping he'd call Barry. but nope, it was Susan instead *sigh*. I mean they don't even need to show Grant Gusting if they want to be cost effective but just show Oliver Queen on the phone with Barry Allen and talk like good friends are supposed to in a

thanks for pointing that out, that REALLY irked me. I mean felicity knows oliver didn't kill her BF on purpose but still. it's her ex-fiancé and murderer of her new BF asking her to help him get together with a chick he only knew for a couple of weeks. even dense oliver should have had the tact to now ask felicity.

well the havenrock thing was always hovering as an unwanted ghost around her. perhaps later on it'll be mentioned again as a reason why she was willing to use those pandora files (I mean "pandora", seriously? why don't you just name them "bad inside"?!). either way, I also hope she undergoes some lasting character

agreed! and while felicity can't use superpowers, magic or even bow and arrow to hurt ppl with her skills she can still wreck a lot of havoc. I'd say she could be even more dangerous than the green arrow or killer frost, just in a different way. I really wanna see this play out.

nah, I never really liked laurel as black canary. her sister was a great and experienced fighter but laurel had what, a few kick boxing lessons? even now everyone in-universe speaks of her all reverently but she was a pretty crappy fighter and that in the end was the reason she died to begin with. oh well, the new

perhaps she really did care or perhaps she only wanted to see how he reacted and then have his reaction confirm or refute her claims? she's been acting so shady and suspicious it's a bit hard for me to think she had good intentions.

I guess that's that's the price to pay when you're a famous celebrity. oh sure, you're adored by your fans and can wear fancy and fashionable dresses but you'll still end up with tape all over your body and the most uncomfortable of shoes.

I agree, black hair with blue streaks didn't fit her at all. but I think it's save to say it'll be darker felicity in personality only. I mean she's not squeaky clean to begin with because she never had a problem working with oliver/the hood/arrow/green arrow ever since season one when he was even more murder-y than

while it's all but impossible to have "arrow" with thea as a lead I think we could have a plot in which oliver's out for a few episode thanks to injuries (he ruined his knee and had to have it replaced and undergo extensive rehabilitation? who'd ever think running and jumping about like that'd have any adverse effects

well laurel's certainly better at dying than curtis….

wasn't that just a publicity stunt? showing the average citizen how safe and well ordered everything is.

and let's not forget that he'd be far worse still if it wasn't for thea and lance helping him out far more than their job descriptions would imply.

but she's also using this staff and has this screaming power so clearly she's a different person than the identical cop lady who uses guns!

as for hero disguises go barry's doing a better job than most. moreover at one point barry's been threatened by the baddie that his secret identity will be exposed and he was all like "dude, almost everyone already knows anyway. no big deal". I think the flash is doing a better and more amusing job regarding secret

did susan actually only get into a relationship with him to uncover all his dirty secrets? seeing his bare skin certainly meant she also saw his very telling tattoo so she probably had some hidden motives all along.

it's called lazy writing. it's far easier to make characters stupid to get the plot going and create unnecessary drama instead of having them think and act like actual humans.

well the bar set by laurel wasn't that high so there's that.