
I think oliver's still greatful curtis developed this chip which is the only reason felicity is able to walk. oliver truly loved felicity and curtis is the one who cured her so oliver ows him big time. still, I don't see why curtis is out on the field if his skills could be better used combined with felicity's. I mean

very valid points, I also think this will only motivate susan and spell trouble for later. but then thea's not all that much about murder so perhaps it'll play out in an interesting and unexpected way.

she's a woman you really don't want as an enemy.

I always love oliver and barry's interactions. especially their everyday banter, I just wish we'd get more small scenes of them just hanging out in a bar while oliver slowly gets drunk (since barry can't)

common sense is turned off whenever the plot demands it.

or she gives the info to some bad guys a/o enemies of oliver queen?

I know ppl have very varying opinions about oliver and felicity's relationship but she's still the best and most trustworthy partner for him. she knows almost everything about him, accepts him and his deeds and won't ever betray him. should they get back together romantically it'd actually be a good and save choice

didn't thea also mostly retire from vigilantism exactly because she was afraid of falling off the slippery slope? I think she's very aware of her own darkness and ruthlessness and doesn't want risk giving it an outlet if there are other ways. but then again, thank god she's not a guy who only thinks with his di*k,

by now you should know that red shirts aren't real ppl. it's totally ok to kill face- and nameless mooks, they don't really count in TV land.

was I the only one who was very pleased how swiftly thea dealt with susan? oh sure, it might have been a tad bit harsh since susan was actually completely right and what not but since I never liked her to begin with I'm just glad she's out of the picture - for now. naturally this could lead her towards a villainous

yes I know but since artemis has donned the black canary mantle before for just a bit I thought they'd go in that direction again. arrow isn't always strictly following the comic book lore so I thought it was a possibility. I dunno, I probably just don't like how so many new (and kinda weak) characters are always

exactly! "those mooks are the truly evil ones since they only do it for the money so they can feed their families. how dare they?"

I really enjoyed this episode, nay this whole season! it's so good to mostly leave behind magic and whatever season three was. I also like how felicity isn't defined by who she likes anymore but has her own interests, separate from oliver's. but let's be honest, her using the information on this memory stick so freely

well given how fast they run through black canaries it's not completely impossible for her to end up as one herself after a bit of a redemption arc, I guess.

an opinion is an opinion, whether or not you agree with it. while some ppl approved of the character of laurel some such as I clearly didn't. thus it is of my opinion that we should indeed simply forget about laurel and move on. no use beating a dead [black canary] horse.

or let's just forget about laurel and never talk about her again, pretend she didn't exist? this character was always just annoying so please let's let her finally die.

it always annoys me when this happens, not just with arrow but pretty much any show. once the MC confronts the big bad it's all "don't kill him/her or you'll be just as bad as her/him" yet nobody gives a damn about all the henchmen they kill. often they're also not even all that bad but merely hired security. I mean

sure do! he might be kind of a dick but he knows what he's saying. and he has the most wonderful british accent which always helps.

I also really loved this cameo, or thought of a cameo. this simply shows how much I love barry as even his lighting lines alone are enough to make me root for him.

every semi-attractive woman comes between this pairing. oliver falls in love/lust far too easily.