
I actually always thought artemis'd take up the mantle of black canary once she grew up a bit more but I guess they choose yet another new character.

nay, it's simply lazy writing. it's ridiculous how many ppl are out there with the same, or at least very similar, power of a sonic scream (or whatever it's called). as said, lazy wriging.

it would be devastating for felicity and oliver if she were the one to bring harm to team arrow by accident. I mean this memory drive is really suspicious and all.

"…Oliver has strung together multiple episodes now without revisiting old traumas just for the hell of it", funny you should say so considering how Oliver obnoxiously mentions Laurel in every second sentence. can't we finally get over her? considering how a mess of a character she was I really just wanna put her

why can't laurel/black canary/black siren/black whatever I don't care just finally die for good? I thought the contract for the actress ran out or something but that doesn't appear to be the case. was this a situation where suddenly the producers notices "oh noes, cassidy actually has ten more episodes in her

just look at those awful fifty shades of gray books/movies (to use the plural is so cruel), you could swim in heaps of money now! sure, you'd probably hate yourself for crating something like this but at least you'd be rich! then again, perhaps you really are better off putting down your figurative pen when you were

please let's not get there, pretty please?

a wizard did it?

so would that make him the titular "cursed child"? then again, I assume he made enough potter money for a comfortable life until old age.

this would only mean the movies could completely make up those missing three years. that's giving them a free card to do whatever the hell they want.

JK Rowling and the Cursed Estate

it's only a matter of time, sooner or later this thing will hit cinema one way or another. there's no way they won't milk this money cow and franchise for all it's worth.
and once it's done they can to a movie series exploring the time when harry and co. just married until their first kids were born so harry entering

after re-watching the episode it's just gotten ridiculous. whenever the music swells and it ought to be a dramatic or "deep" it's instead just hilarious. oh how the mighty have fallen. I think I'll simply re-watch "a study in pink" and indulge in nostalgia instead.

that really isn't the same but what I meant was more along the line of the holmes parents being their for her and if necessary seeking proper help for her. but oh well, seems like mycroft did all he could for sister dear.

sure, and we also saw his his rather untrained belly in the very same scene. nah, he's simply not one for the legwork and stairs are much slower than a simple fall out a window so how did he come out without even a scratch?

btw: this has nothing to do with anything but I really like your username!

nay, mycroft IS the british government.

and yet I'm one of the few ppl who really disliked heaven sent (way overrated, it tried to be oh-so-smart and deep yet if you think about it it was really silly) which just proves you can't make everyone love it.

don't forget they were highly trained professionals and specifically told to not talk to her yet it still happened. that was just stupid.

even if euros was around to ruin everything mr and mrs holmes seem like very decent ppl to me so they should have taken care of their boys properly. yet they're toally messed up.