
….the awkward moment when you know you watched too much "mission impossible".

seeing as john lost all possibilities and chances with mary of course he'd encourage sherlock, no matter what differences might stand in their way.

mrs hudson really was the dark horse of this episode, nay the whole series!

the disguise wasn't only on the level of make-up and wigs but rather body language, how she even walked and sat, her whole performance. really a great actress because I sure did not see it coming. excellent clark kent-ing!

she's probably just jealous that sherlock cares so much about john to repeatedly risk his own live whereas he doesn't even know she exists (or at least I presume he doesn't know). or if sherlock knows about her he never mentions her and there never was any contact that we knew of.

I also wondered why anyone'd even do that. and they couldn't have known what was in the drip either since saville could have very mislabeled the drugs.

and yet it only reminds me of the EU currency euro or € for short.

in the OP there's a brief scene where john is seen stuck in a well so I guess that's what happens next. he's either only lightly injured or more likely the gun was loaded with tranquilizers instead of bullets. well, john should be used to kidnappings now so he knows the drill.

that'd also be very moriarty-ish so that's definitely possible. nice thought!

I enjoyed this review and I'm pleased you mentioned how underused martin freeman was last week. he's such a great actor and his character john makes up half that is "sherlock" so to have him take a seat back while his own wife is in danger felt odd and did neither the actor or character justice.

at least she's not clara oswald……

they really shouldn't pull the "faked his/her dead" card again. or if they did and mary would indeed be alive she could take their daughter and vanish into the night to never be seen again. would take care of mary, of the child subplot yet still generate plenty of angst to deal with.

yep, and that's why I think this whole weird sequence was simply artistic freedom. it looked neat and dramatic and that was apparently more important than being accurate.

I actually thought they wouldn't go through with mary giving birth, I always thought that if/when she had to die it was during pregnancy. it'd make things extra melodramatic and they wouldn't have to deal with a child. but baby rosie was born so I supposed they didn't follow the books after all. but now killing mary

I wouldn't go as far. I merely suggested a way to maybe make this season more enjoyable. but if it's really not to your liking anymore then the best to do would be to simply drop it and hold the older episodes in fond memory. thankfully there are a lot of good shows available right now so even if sherlock isn't your

the same happens with medical drama where suddenly everyone of the main cast gets injured a/o sick just because the writers think they must personally involve them in everything.

exactly! and after doing this sherlock wasn't even smart enough to not get followed when he followed mary to morocco. it's hard to say but sherlock of all ppl caught the idiot ball hard in this episode.

true, but that should only apply to the government hired assassins/agents and not for the terrorists, no? it'd have been a very easy solution for a lot of problems.

ah yes, those first 30 seconds where fun indeed! but then mary was tangled up in it and it went a bit downhill.
btw: I really like your username!

oh, then that's pretty sad indeed. perhaps it'd help to wait until this season is completed before watching the two remaining episodes together? if not there's always the option of re-watching earlier episodes.