
so next week (next season?) will deal with the fall out of johns "bad days" in the army then?! but yup, just as you've said not everything must be about the detectives at all.

that was really random indeed. if sherlock never found out about a simple and quite cheap smashed bust then mary probably wouldn't have died either because in the end it was sherlock who led aj to mary and the consequences of it. convenient and lazy writing it is.

it probably didn't work because john wasn't crying hard and ugly enough with snot running down his nose?

that always annoyed me! not just this time but there were moments before when I thought "dammit, you're supposed to be a very good doctor so do something!". probably a case of plot induced temporary amnesia.

I actually liked "the empty hearse". sure, it had flaws and wasn't perfect but that goes for pretty much every episode. the weakest episode of this whole show is IMO "the sign of three" which had a weak mystery only slowly and pointlessly burning in the background. for the rest of it's runtime it was just one big love

he could always have called Anderson if he wanted a sniffer dog~

it really wasn't "that" bad IMO, ppl simply have very high expectations of this series and are easily disappointed if they're not meet.

true but even then, couldn't the secretary use a random code name when dealing with the terrorists? if something went awry, as it did, it could otherwise be traced back to lady smallwood and her, which is exactly what happened. thus, random code name such as; "mug", "soda", "pen", "fan" everything goes (as is obvious

I actually hoped this season wouldn't involve personal mysteries, just normal cases unconnected to the main cast. lestrade or a client bringing in sherlock and john to investigate something/someone as it's a bit tedious to see the main characters suddenly be personally involved with everything. and I also thought the

I'm really not undermining your opinion but I think since most fans (myself included) have such a high opinion and equally high expectation of this series it's hard to meet them. I mean each series only has 3 episodes and they're too far apart, so even more time to look forward to more. thus if other series deliver

while I also felt that was a bit OOC for John I think your take on is is way too harsh. Mary was lying to John about so many things, about her whole identity and while John in the end accepted her it clearly left him wounded. I think he simply saw this nice lady and got in a bit "what could have been" situation. a

I was a bit annoyed there wasn't more of Martin Freeman in this episode, especially during the part in the hotel in Morocco I thought John might pull the trigger instead of a random (?) cop. the actor was a bit underused indeed but this scene with a dying Mary was brilliant and both Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin

I thought it was there for the predator analogy and naturally stunning visuals. is sherlock the shark or it's prey? what about mary and john? but perhaps there's another interpretation to be had as well.

when Sherlock confronted AJ in and around the pool and later smashed the bust to reveal the storage device he was stunned and said the name "Mary". for someone as smart as him that was really stupid. if he didn't thoughtlessly reveal his connection with the woman AJ was looking for he wouldn't have found her or at

I wasn't all that happy with this episode, it wasn't bad and I'm not too hard on it since it's a christmas episode but I just felt like doctor who/BBC was trying to cash into the superhero hype with this one. it was not necessary, if I want superheros I watch the flash, arrow or any marvel movie but if I watch doctor