
God wasn't dead before but this made Him kill Himself. Herself. Itself. Whatever.

It looks terrible, worse even than C.C. Baxter in profile.

How is there not an honesty/integrity clause in his original contract?

Because if there's anything better than fucking an old person it's fucking an old person in the bottom of a boat filled with bilge water and spilled Metamucil.

You should pray to whichever Greek god is in charge of lame comments. I think her name is Disqus.

Are you sure they even have a business model? It seems to me as if some kind of Col. Kurtz is running things at CNN: I don't see any method at all.

Jeez, make him the host of some kind of Lie To Me type gameshow where contestants have to decide if the anecdotes Williams tells are true or fabricated.

Finally! Validation!

You think you hate it now, wait until the only jerbs left are meme related.

Fast zombies are alright, I guess, but fast zombies with edged weapons totally rule.

Why not? Either way your life is meaningless.

They come fer our jerbs.

Nerds are coming.

Didn't the Muslims also invent the concept of zero? Which is exactly how many fucks I give about the Nazis and their attempt to perform a militarized Heinrich Maneuver on Europe. I CAN CALL IT THE HEINRICH MANEUVER IF I WANT!

Now that's an exciting comment!

It's surprising how large she is when her diet consists entirely of micro chips.

They're not over tilde fat lady sings.

It makes sense he would think it was a mandate when you consider that he "won" his first term with fewer votes than his opponent.

Did they forget to reroute the encryptions again?

Come on, buddy.