
Mmm, yeah, but it's not like Nepal or Fukushima.

That's Tronsphobic.

Yeah, it was fucking awesome when the river swallowed my car last week. If only I had a mentor who could teach me to control my powers…

Erm, are you sure about that?

You mean… coitus?

You're saying "ce ne sont pas des toilettes?"

All I'm saying is that if Chris Brown is raining beats on you then you'd better have better protection than an umbrella-ella-ella.

She got some sick beats from Chris Brown.

And where's that Seinfeld quote guy to say "Hate the Drake?"

Nah, yours has an admirable economy whereas mine is all "look at me, I know art stuff!"

Oh, fuck you!

Duchamp's toilet? Is that like Chekhov's gun, but for art?
"If in the first gallery you have hung a urinal on the wall, then in the following one have a picture of a pipe that is not a pipe. Otherwise draw a mustache on a cheap postcard of the Mona Lisa."

It's Po-Mo!
Yeah, alright, it's weird for the sake of bein' weird.

British names thread:

ensuing delusion of grandeur


The lizard brain wants what it wants and has no regard for what you want to want. Now, put on this creepy horse mask…

"WTF is this? A tampon? Were you raised in a fucking barn? WTF?!?!"

Quadrilogy? Tetralogy, please.

In the 40 watt range? Hey, just what you see, pal.