
Wait, the AVC is affiliated with the Schutzstaffel?

No, your wrong.

So, her video is M.I.A.? Has anyone told Alanis?

Uh… you're welcome!

You mean it's not about how weirdly selective this outrage is?

Hey, remember how upset everyone was with the gratuitous nudity in True Detective and also the depictions of rape and revenge rape found in The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo? Me neither.

Of course you may use it that way because you operate under a false notion of free will. So you're guaranteed to use "disconnect" as a noun in order to piss me off. Thus the entire purpose of your existence is reduced to absurdity and pointlessness.

You're right, it's morally reprehensible for me to have enjoyed it and for King to have written it. Please don't send me to morality prison!

"Disconnect" is not a noun. You only create more meaninglessness when you misuse language.

Darth Deethnut'th.

Yeah, if that's the entire thesis then I think they could have ended the show with the Red Wedding. Although it was fun seeing Jojen get stabbed by the skeleton. That kid was annoying.

Upvoted, but I really enjoyed Cell. It has a man biting off a dog's ear on pg. 7!

All fuckin' metric an' shit.

If you so smart how come you don't know? Here put you face up to this blowhole…

Gimme some of you money.

If you so smart how come you aint rich?

I voted for inanimate carbon rod.

Same as what happens to everyone in their 70's, incontinence and dentures.

Pffft, next you'll tell me I shouldn't be burning all these witches.

Lesbo-lords. They look like Hans Moleman and they drink Rolling Rock. They own all of the sperm banks and they manufactured all of those truck nuts which they've equipped with GPS trackers and filled with C-4. They can detonate truck nuts remotely from their underground bunker in CT. When the truck nuts explode you'll