
Ha ha, Kang uses AOL! You suck, Kang! I voted for Kodos!

I might have been going through puberty when I saw it, which, really really bad timing.

"You've indicated in your application that your, er, 'occupation,' is catching and devouring insects."

It's depressing and one of the most horrific movies I've ever seen. Also it has a rad arm-wrestling scene. That ends up being pretty gross.

It's super gross and super amazing.

Goldblum pretty much already did this. "I'm an insect who dreamt he was a man and loved it. But now the dream is over… and the insect is awake."

I don't even own a TV on which to not-watch The Simpsons.

Yup. "Build a house."

If Wahlberg had been there from the beginning he could have saved everything.

I liked this, but you're on very thin ice, Internet.

But they sure can claim jump.

I'm incensed at the insensitivity, er, "shown" to the blind with that whole Mr. Magoo comment.

I prefer Ultimate Fighting Pedant bouts.

We can't leave New Jersey by road! The horrible amorphous blob has shut down the bridge!

You mean the original remake? I enjoyed that as well. Way better than the one where the blob was played by Tobey Maguire and then by, uh, not-Ashton Kutcher.

"…a giant amorphous alien creature likely maybe up of one DVD copy of everything in which Jackson has appeared."

Also, if the merchandise doesn't feature his voice, does he really have a right to a cut of the proceeds?

And into my basement.

We get it, you don't want anybody to know you're Britney Spears.

Those Manta Ray Activists really hate contemporary morays.