
"Bitches leave."

Jesus, Mr. O'Neal, why do you have to be such a bully? Do you want to see these real men cry? Do you?

Cirrhosis of the eye.

Being born into a "superhuman" family helps.

Will this therapist, like Duckman, bill by the hour?

It's a charmed fucking life I lead when this is probably the worst hardship I'll have to deal with all day. Don't be too disconcerted by my ranting. It's not a real cause for concern so don't let it distress or worry you.

This "concerning" is making me thirsty!

"While his erratic comportment is concerning to his fellow doctors…"

Fuzzy Peach Cobblur

And then she could come back from the dead as a super villain who blames Thor for her death and they fight and she almost wins and Thor suffers some serious losses but he prevails in the end using his wits or something. Probably by retweeting #GamerGate stuff at her.

Frigga? I don't even know her!

In all honesty there's a great deal I don't get. But I find the idea of your memo interesting and I wish to subscribe to your blog or fax zine or semaphore stand-up carnival or whatever.

Would you say that you miss it… ex-Treme-ly?

Not Tron: Legacy? Quelle surprise.

I don't know what the deal is because none of the recorded material effectively conveys the way their rockin' will blow your underwear clean off and into another state. Fucking see these fuckers.

You have to see these motherfuckers live. For real, go see them if you get the chance.

Grumpy cat.

Seriously, what the fuck is CA going to do? Buy water from Nestle?


I like that Shazam! can shoot little blue Shazam!s from the lightning bolt on his chest.