
It's not my fault that you're illiterate.

Golden agouti gerbil was the best! You? You've made an enemy this day. You better hope that this Cookie Monster impostor isn't as incompetent at watching your back as it is at doing whatever it's doing because I'm going to crumble your cookie when you least expect it. I might even moisten your croutons because that's



Of the Long Island Walrusmen?

The names are worse than herpes almost as bad as a gimmick account that has no apparent interest in doing the gimmick.

Can I go now?

The features of the "voodoo dildo" practically call themselves out.

Get bent!
I was typing up "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Wookiees suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly bent."

Hey now, don't get bent out of shape.

When you cat food eat it.

I got a call, something about someone needing a bookie vented?

That and an NRA membership.

I felt a great lack of disturbance in the Force, as if millions of people suddenly shrugged and went on about their business.

Would it be so hard for you to talk about this thing that you yourself brought up? Always with the teasing remarks, this one. What do we learn out from this?

I'm not a scientist, but if the Earth were round then…


Fuck. Why didn't the headline have a spoiler alert? Fuuuuuck!

Maybe you should just stop after the first one.

Can you tell us more about how to literally find any kind of pornography we want?