
Remember in A New Hope, when we saw the smoldering skeletons of the previous generation? Before the dark times. Before the Ewoks.

Careful, you can get sued for making puns now!

Where were you when they aired the classic episode "Attack of the Mud People!"?

Thanks for making me know even less about what a pocket square is.


I'm certain that Courier is the only font accepted in the industry.

I almost posted something about how God isn't the only person who wants to fuck Gal Gadot but then I decided not to.

A screenplay written in Comic Sans, however…

Screw it, let's just call it Wonder Woman: Mary, the Lady That God Wants to Fuck.

And then there are the movie theaters that kill off the audiences with poison gas and drop the corpses through trap doors.

Me and my Jesus buddies aren't going to see this unless WW learns that she can't be happy unless she's married to some dude who provides for her so that she can stay home cooking and cleaning and not menstruating.

Hey, you seem kind of smart. Can you explain why everyone was was so dismissive of a motherfucking SPACESHIP?

He could be a dummy.

That looks good, but will I be able to knife-rape an Ewok?

I forgot about Dre.

That's Star Trek, you idiot.

I love it, especially the part where he travels through hyperspace by driving his car on the highway.

*8-bit George H. W. Bush kicks corpse, says "Winners don't do drugs."

Who cares what she wants? It only takes an instant to get Rick Rolled.

Mental note: do not touch @flagonthemoon:disqus's Kindle.