
"Who wants a rimmy from Robo Rooney?"

The terrorists hate our freedom.

I thought that was called an "upper Dikachu."

What, aside from marrying Kanye, makes her a "crazy beeyotch?" Not that you need more evidence, I guess…

Pockets of resistance.

THOT's All That

Stop your 'owling already.

Quiet, you.

I'm drunk right now!

Hey, am I the only one who saw Force Majeur who didn't think it was laugh-out-loud funny? The premise is totally George Costanza and technically, like, it is a comedy in that the protagonist wins, but as an intimate sort of apocalypse it was more disturbing than Melancholia.

I didn't even see it was on the list because I was too shocked by Ghost Protocol's presence.

I only care about pterodactyls; those dinos saur above the clouds.

I tried watching the first one but got grossed out before there were even any centipedes. Evil Dead? No problem. Medical stuff? No thank you.

Mouse, but it needsa better name.

Dumb and gross. Does this mean these people are a corporation, my friend?

"The examined life isn't worth it either," Tom said testily.

What a silly bunt!

Mi scusi!


If they don't kill Ultron by shoving a shawarma into his improbably moving mandible and mucking up his circuits I'm going to be pissed.