
Caribbean queens, presumably.

I have had it with these monkey-fighting ewoks on this Monday-to-Friday moon.

I disagree with the sentiment of this post that I'm writing now but fully aboard with the sequencing of the letters and spaces that comprise it.

You'd miss the flying dildos.

There are too many of these that I haven't seen. Also that still from Skyfall makes me think that the new James Bond inhabits the same cinematic universe as Zoolander.

One baby in three famous bowls.

Same people who liked Mortdecai, I'd wager.

Is there a difference between the Sinister franchise and the Insidious franchise? And what's so scary about VHS?

It's really fascinating. You should write a book about it, or maybe a coloring book.


1) Oxytocin is supposed to be better than crack cocaine. 2) People with babies are oxytocin junkies. 3) Junkies with babies get their babies taken away by CPS. 4) Now you know what to do the next time you get one of those annoying posts in your feed (call CPS).

What do you mean, "those people?"

It's a dystopia, so… butt stuff for some, abortions for others.

Also: mouth stuff.

SAINT REAGAN SEZ: There you go again.

Rick & Morty please.

It's still gonna be awesome.

I was thinking of a broken neck.

Three more weeks to think about how Ultron has no need for a jaw that moves when he speaks and that the instant he gets his hand around Cap's throat Cap would be dead.
