
GoG was totally different. They were fighting over a sphere.

I don't want to encourage you to commit murder. What if you just bash his teeth in?

High Lane: This is basically a remake of Predator only instead of a bunch of gay bodybuilding politicians it's four attractive rock climbers and their whiny ectomorph companion being pursued by a central European hillbilly named Anton. It's pretty good except for the whiny guy's acting.

Texan, huh? I guess we know that your children is learning and that you're putting food on your family.

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid. By which I mean you should teach your kids how to use and maintain firearms. That will get them through the coming food riots and the hordes of Canadian bikers that will reign in lieu of our fallen government.

A good garlic press can be used to murder your roommates.

In the afterlife it'll be fun for you to watch your children starving to death in the postindustrial wasteland you made for them.

Sloppy seconds?

Kevin James is… The Guy Who Will Fall Down While Carrying Stuff For You

5 was definitely better than 6, but 6 was still amazeballs.

"Remember this shit at Christmas!"
-Terry Crews

I know you're partial to inflatable sheep so it only makes sense that you'd overlook the most important quality I look for: biodegradability.

Recyclable plastic is still morally inferior to my zero-plastic fresh garlic method. Get on my level!

A former friend of mine insisted that pressed garlic became acrid when cooked. Other, more cogent arguments for and against may be found here:

What are they contained in? Plastic bags? Great, the convenience of pre-pressed garlic that only costs the gradual corruption of the food chain. I think I'll just spend the five minutes it takes to press fresh garlic and clean the press afterwards.

The one where they only play Jesus Jones?

Addiction often springs from deep-grooted trauma.

Didn't see what I did there? Have the scales not fallen from your eyes?

I'm confident that the tv guys can conclude it without letting it drag on.

When he heats up enough he's a real gas.