
Does that count towards his community service?

If it's not a remembrance of things fast and furious, who cares?

*Waits for @avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus to look closer at the screen, then punches Him in the back of the head so that He bonks His face into the monitor.

Well you can't defend yourself properly if you drop your Hanes like that.

Briefs? Everybody knows he was about Chinese boxers.

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it."
-CGI Bruce Lee

Bob Saget waits by the phone; as soon as it rings he uses it to bash in his own skull.


WTF is groovy lol?

Dome. BLOWN.

Well, I don't watch these for their mythology, and no matter what the character's backstory is the only important thing about him is that he's portrayed by Statham. Unless, of course, he has something even more amazing/preposterous than a ramp car.

These movies fucking OWN like Oprah!

An object at rest tends to stay at rest, speed =r*T,

Exploitative shit. Miss Winehouse would kick these filmmakers in their crotches.

They can't help that Ric Ocasek is made out of pipe cleaners and adams apples.

Not only shall I prove the existence of pixies but I shall show to the court that this once promising student of currency has grown up to be a debaser!

I told you a million times, it's a birthmark.


Massively distribute media files of varying levels of legitimacy?

If not then this is a thing of which I want to miss all.