
These peeps are making me thirsty.

Please be an April 1st prank.

That movie is a goddamn treasure.

Shouldn't this show be called "Hockey Sacks?" You know, because Leary loves balls.

You misspelled "hackey."

He's the luckiest man alive.

Beware, criminals! Fortune favors the lucky!

Two bloated blockbusters enter… uh… two bloated blockbusters get sequels!


Undeath of a Salesman

Chapter 1: How's My Hair Look?

The quality of owning freezes you forever in "I," and cuts you off forever from the "we” and leaves us all at the mercy of those flesh eating apes.

The Sound and the Fury of the 50 ft. Woman


Classic Lit/Monster Mashup thread:

Good news: The Smashing Pumpkins and Marilyn Manson will be touring together! Drunken masturbation just got that much better!

"Depressing?" Not in the world I grew up in, buddy.

As far as I know it wasn't a Scientology cafe (if that's what you inferred from my poorly phrased post). It was more of the "normal stuff buffed and shined so that it looks fancy" type of joint that's all over LA where you're expected to interrogate the staff about every detail of every item and process that goes

Take a bow.

I'm still uncertain where the whole riding lawnmower scene fits in. And the chip-and-dip!