
You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie!

And Obama's Nobel Peace Prize makes that award look like, I don't know, something to shoot out of a drone at weddings or something.

Bosch: c'mon. Brooklyn 99 is more believable than this nonsense.

In back, next to the love kettle drum.

They only want you when you're 17.

No lagrimas para mi, Kuala Lumpur.

Ooooh, can we get a light saber style club? Or a light saber style switchblade?

Fuck you, Elizabeth! You RUINED Marmaduke!

They tried to make me go to that but I said, "IT'S A TRAP!"

She looks like a lady investor from Wolf of Wall Street.

And isn't even as old as the rest of her.

To be fair, few have seen any of the scenes from Speed Racer.

The Lighter Side of… Ragnarok

Thanks. You've just made like half of my conversations way more efficient.

My shit sense is tingling.

Wouldn't it be funny if he got raped by, like five grizzly bears right now?

Great news! But the bad news is that a recent study determined that Gardasil doesn't make teenage girls more promiscuous.

"The novel something stirred deep within B&Q."

Super Nintendo Chalmerses!

In the States we call it "sausage in the mouth."