
Alright, off to the internest.

If it's so awesome how come I haven't bird of it before?

Should we rage, rage against the grading of this light piece of entertainment?

Electing Obama sentenced our children to "1,000 years of darkness."

Is this the worst poll or the worst poll ever?

Yeah, and what's with this movie "Bird People?"

It's not a tumor.

"You Rick rolling mutha fucka
That was hard to do on a phone, for very little payoff."

"They’re pills that create a sort of temporary forgettingness. So if somebody finds out how you do a trick, you just give ’em one of these, and they forget the whole thing. It’s a mainstay of the magician’s toolkit, like how clowns always have a rag soaked in ether."

But he did have that shaking disease.

Don't start stalking people again. It's so illegal. Remember when you were stalking Charles Kuralt because you thought he dug up your garden?

1: I've never seen a unicorn.
2: I've never been in an Arby's.
3: Therefore unicorns go to Arby's.
You can't argue with science!

I'm pretty sure that they eat fairies and hymens. And Arby's.

I'm just bitter because nobody will engage me in an argument over what unicorn farts smell like.

Or what if it's all just an imaginary story or something that doesn't need to have every single element based on scientific facts? But that can't be the case, because if it were all of these arguments and speculations would be terribly terribly sad.

I don't seem to remember ever printing out a droid.

He's like an emotional yo-yo or something, something that goes one way and then like reverses its direction or something.

You taught me language; and my profit on't
Is, I know how to curse. The red plague rid you
For learning me your language!

If they do, you know he'll just come back again.
