
Parents of anarchists, I wager.

But what about all the cock rock in Cop Rock?

The Captain told me to report to the poop deck, but now they're all poop decks!

Here are some words that rhyme with Longmire: gorymire, storymire, allegorymire, Montessorimire…

Get your ass to Mars (if you can find a transport large enough to accommodate it. Accommodate your giant ass, that is, not Mars)!

Groot There It Is

I think someone named Jay pissed in someone's cornflakes or something. And someone blogcasted about it.

I would if the hammer hadn't hurt me so badly.

This seems too legit.

I Love Country Songs (That Have Parentheticals)

Check it out! Library puns!


Cigarettes have gone out of style. Welcome to moisture country.

For sucking, fucking, and diseases you're supposed to see Downtown Abby.

This "bullshit," as you call it, is a strategic alliance based on corporate synergy wherein the brand recognition of all participants sees gains in the relevant quadrants. That's why we ask for your DOB before we let you access this fucking bullshit.

Eh, you were probably justified.

Also, I call bullshit on this "ITC Serif Gothic." I see no serifs. Where are the serifs?

Mine's maybe slightly amusing:
Star Wars: What Is It Good For?
