
Literally, there was!

Why do I hate him, or why did this episode make me hate him more?

I don't watch Supergirl, and I understood everything that was going on - there's a pretty quick explanation of the situation.

I'm sure this wasn't the intention, but that episode made me hate Barry more than I already do. And I hated him a lot.

Felicity's living in the loft that used to be Thea's - they used that set last night (that's where Curtis and Felicity were when Felicity hacked the drones). I think Iris and Barry's apartment is new?

I keep waiting for a turn with Susan since they set her up as being a manipulative and shady chick, but I don't think there's more there.

Yeah, having Susan as the victim was weird since they never gave the audience much reason to care about her, and through a lot of this episode, Oliver didn't seem to care much about her either. He wasn't particularly frantic to find her, and when he finally did it was like she was any other Star City schmoe off the

No matter who's involved, you force idiotic lies and drama for drama's sake, and it's gonna turn out badly.

He did make a promise to the mother. But later on when he was lamenting about marrying Felicity with this big secret between them, he and Thea had a discussion about how it would be nice to tell Felicity, but keeping William a secret was keeping him safe. Which…Felicity's kept Oliver's secrets for years? She would've

Honestly, I'm never going to agree that it was okay to keep the promise, because ultimately keeping that stupid promise trumped Oliver keeping his son safe.

If these are the standards we're holding him to and he was allegedly feeling super duper conflicted about not being able to tell Felicity, there's no reason why he couldn't have just left her an evidence trail to follow so she could figure it out on her own so he *technically* wouldn't have broken his promise.

I will trade 1 Susan Williams and 2 newbies of the taker's choice for 1 Thea Queen.

But Oliver's whole spiel about keeping the secret from Felicity shifted from "Samantha said I had to" to "I have to protect my son" - which makes zero sense in context of Oliver knowing that Malcolm knew about William, and not doing anything at all to actually protect said kid after Malcolm threatened to make Oliver

In "Taken," he told Felicity:

Well, since Oliver was planning on Felicity being involved in the kid's life once the kid's mother said it was okay, it seemed like he thought having children with his lifestyle was possible as well. But then he decided it wasn't, both for him with William, and him and Felicity with any future kids.

I absolutely did not. This is what I wrote:

I never said she had any say in what he decided to do with his kid, nor did I say that he would have or should have been thinking about hurting Felicity's feelings - just that him sending his kid away is indicative of where his head's at regarding children - children Felicity planned on having and Oliver decided

But there was no conflict - he can't say that the kid's mother made him promise he wouldn't tell anyone, and then list off three people who knew. Why didn't he tell her, then? It makes no sense.

Oh yeah, that too!

Wasn't he with Oliver at the press conference while Vigilante was fighting it out with Diggle and the newbies?