
I don't know. Maybe I couldn't blame him to a certain extent, but he was going to marry her without telling her and then spring the kid on her at a later date when the mother deemed it acceptable.

In the first timeline? Absolutely. Felicity overreacted majorly.

My only guess is that he's a member of the SCPD. Great shots sometimes, incapable of hitting the broad side of a barn others.

There's no indication whatsoever that she cared about the fact that he had a kid - she cared about the fact that he hid it from her - which is what got him broken up with in both timelines.

He flat-out told Felicity that he wanted to gain the mother's trust so that she would eventually let Felicity be a part of his life. So yeah, he did intend for her to find out.

I don't like Oliver anymore, and that makes me sad because he used to be my fave. Even through the darkest times of utmost stupidity.

She told Oliver she'd give him a 30-day reprieve on criticizing his administration if he could prove himself to her and then slipped him her phone number. She reminded him that he hadn't called her when she saw him the next time and reminded him that his 30 days was running out. She refused to take no for an answer

What exactly was she supposed to be empathetic toward Oliver about?

I don't think he should've approached her whining about Susan not calling him back - it reeked of him asking for relationship help which is kinda icky since they used to be together, and Oliver just killed her boyfriend a couple months ago.

Oh, I just think Barry is a selfish, awful non-hero in general, not because of anything he did in this episode. I only mentioned that he doesn't deserve happiness because he proposed to Iris. But nearly everything works out for him and he gets nearly everything he wants, so…it's not like this is going to be any

Felicity still owns a tech company, so even though it seems like she doesn't have a job, she does at least have some money coming in.

Plot twist: he accidentally erases Iris from existence when he does.

If I'd found out my girlfriend had been secretly investigating me throughout the course of our relationship and had dug up nearly all of my secrets without my knowledge I wouldn't be able to sleep either, haha.

Iris: "Are you proposing to me or the ring?"

::whines:: But I don't *wanna* be nice.

Shhhh, don't question it.

Barry was channeling Captain Koons during that proposal. I was half expecting him to tell Iris his grandfather hid that ring up his ass.

I make my R's uppercase because if I'm not being super careful, all the lowercase ones look like V's.

Susan isn't a freelance reporter - she has an employer, Channel 52 News. If her employer caught wind of the fact that she had a personal relationship with her subject, she wouldn't be allowed to report out on him.

Did you respond to the wrong comment? Not sure what this has to do with what I wrote.